Sun Cluster Data Service for Informix Guide for Solaris OS

Preparing the Nodes and Disks

Use the files source for the passwd, group, and project database entries in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file and do not use external sources such as NIS, NIS+, or LDAP for the passwd, group, and project database entries.

Sun Cluster HA for Informix uses the su command to start, stop, and probe the Informix application and might be impacted if an external name service is unavailable.

On each node or zone that can master the Informix resource, include the following entries in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.

passwd:  files
group:   files
project: files

However, you might still use an external name service such as NIS, NIS+, or LDAP. Remember, though, that if the external name service is unavailable, Sun Cluster HA for Informix might fail.