Sun Cluster Data Service for Siebel Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Install the Siebel Gateway on the Global File System

Use this procedure to install the Siebel gateway on the global file system. To install the Siebel gateway on local disks of physical hosts, see How to Install the Siebel Gateway on Local Disks of Physical Hosts.

To install the Siebel gateway on the global file system, install the Siebel software only once from any node of the cluster.

  1. Install the Siebel gateway by following the instructions in the Siebel installation documentation and the latest release notes.

    Do not use the Autostart feature. When prompted, configure Autostart=NO.

  2. Verify that the file is under gateway_root, and is owned by the user who will launch the Siebel gateway.

  3. In the home directory of the user who will launch the Siebel gateway, create an empty file that is named .hushlogin.

    The .hushlogin file prevents failure of a cluster node's public network from causing an attempt to start, stop, or probe the service to time out.

  4. Change the SIEBEL_GATEWAY to the logical hostname that is selected for the Siebel gateway in and siebenv.csh files under gateway_root.

  5. Stop and restart the Siebel gateway to ensure that the gateway is using the logical hostname.