Sun Cluster Data Service for Siebel Guide for Solaris OS

Tuning the Sun Cluster HA for Siebel Fault Monitors

Fault monitoring for the Sun Cluster HA for Siebel data service is provided by the following fault monitors:

Each fault monitor is contained in a resource whose resource type is shown in the following table.

Table 3 Resource Types for Sun Cluster HA for Siebel Fault Monitors

Fault Monitor 

Resource Type 

Siebel server 


Siebel gateway 


System properties and extension properties of these resources control the behavior of the fault monitors. The default values of these properties determine the preset behavior of the fault monitors. The preset behavior should be suitable for most Sun Cluster installations. Therefore, you should tune the Sun Cluster HA for Siebel fault monitors only if you need to modify this preset behavior.

Tuning the Sun Cluster HA for Siebel fault monitors involves the following tasks:

For more information, see Tuning Fault Monitors for Sun Cluster Data Services in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS. Information about theSun Cluster HA for Siebel fault monitors that you need to perform these tasks is provided in the subsections that follow.

Tune the Sun Cluster HA for Siebel fault monitors when you register and configure Sun Cluster HA for Siebel. For more information, see Registering and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Siebel.

Operation of the Siebel Server Fault Monitor

During a probe, the Siebel server fault monitor tests for the correct operation of the following components:

Operation of the Siebel Gateway Fault Monitor

The Siebel gateway fault monitor monitors the Siebel gateway process. If the Siebel gateway process dies, the fault monitor restarts it, or fails it over to another node.