Sun Cluster Data Service for Oracle RAC Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Preserve a Nondefault Value of the reservation_timeout Extension Property

The reservation_timeout extension property specifies the timeout value in seconds for the reservation step of a reconfiguration of Sun Cluster Support for Oracle RAC.

In Sun Cluster release 3.1, reservation_timeout is an extension property of the following resource types:

In Sun Cluster release 3.2, reservation_timeout is an extension property only of the SUNW.rac_framework resource type. This property is removed from the SUNW.rac_cvm resource type and the SUNW.rac_svm resource type. The SUNW.rac_hwraid resource type is removed from Sun Cluster release 3.2.

A nondefault value of the reservation_timeout extension property might be set for an existing resource of type SUNW.rac_hwraid, SUNW.rac_cvm, or SUNW.rac_svm. If you require this value after you upgrade to Sun Cluster release 3.2, perform this task to preserve the value.

  1. Before you migrate or remove the resource for which the reservation_timeout extension property is set, obtain the value of this property.

    # clresource show -p reservation_timeout -t resource-type

    Specifies the resource type of the resource for which the reservation_timeout extension property is set, namely, SUNW.rac_cvm, SUNW.rac_hwraid, or SUNW.rac_svm.

  2. When you migrate the existing instance of the SUNW.rac_framework resource type, set the reservation_timeout extension property to the value that you obtained in Step 1.

    # clresource set -p type_version=version \
    -p reservation_timeout=timeout rac-framework-rs 

    Specifies the value of the type_version property for the version of SUNW.rac_framework to which you are migrating the instance. In Sun Cluster release 3.2, version is 2.


    Specifies the value to which you are setting the reservation_timeout extension property. This value is the value that you obtained in Step 1.


    Specifies the name of the resource of type SUNW.rac_framework on your cluster. If the scsetup utility of Sun Cluster release 3.1 was used to create the RAC framework resource group, this resource is named rac_framework.

Example 6–2 Preserving a Nondefault Value of the reservation_timeout Extension Property

This example shows the commands for preserving a nondefault value of the reservation_timeout extension property that was set for a resource of type SUNW.rac_svm.

Before the migration of the resource of type SUNW.rac_svm, the following command is run to obtain the value of the reservation_timeout extension property:

# clresource show -p reservation_timeout -t SUNW.rac_svm

=== Resources ===                              

Resource:                                       rac-svm-rs

  --- Standard and extension properties ---    

  Reservation_timeout:                          350
    Class:                                         extension
    Description:                                   Timeout (in seconds) for the 
reservation step of Sun Cluster framework for RAC
    Per-node:                                      False
    Type:                                          int

During the migration of the resource of type SUNW.rac_framework, the following command is run to set properties as follows:

# clresource set -p type_version=2 \
-p reservation_timeout=350 rac_framework 

See Also

The following documentation: