Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Recover From a Fault After Modifying the Zpools Property of an HAStoragePlus Resource

If a fault occurs during a modification of the Zpools extension property, the status of the HAStoragePlus resource is online and faulted. After the fault is corrected, the status of the HAStoragePlus resource is online.

  1. Determine the fault that caused the attempted modification to fail.

    # clresource status hasp-resource

    The status message of the faulty HAStoragePlus resource indicates the fault. Possible faults are as follows:

    • The ZFS pool zpool failed to import.

    • The ZFS pool zpool failed to export.

  2. Correct the fault that caused the attempted modification to fail.

  3. Repeat the step to modify the Zpools extension property of the HAStoragePlus resource.

    # clresource set -p Zpools="zpools-list" hasp-resource
    -p Zpools="zpools-list"

    Specifies a comma-separated list of ZFS storage pool names that the HAStoragePlus currently manages, minus the ZFS storage pool name that you want to remove.


    Specifies the HAStoragePlus resource that you are modifying

  4. Confirm that the HAStoragePlus resource is online and not faulted.

    # clresource status

Example 2–42 Status of a Faulty HAStoragePlus Resource

This example shows the status of a faulty HAStoragePlus resource. This resource is faulty because the ZFS pool zpool failed to import.

# clresource status hasp-resource

  === Cluster Resources ===

  Resource Name     Node Name     Status            Status Message
  --------------    ----------    -------           -------------
  hasp-resource     node46        Online            Faulted - Failed to import:hazpool
                    node47        Offline           Offline