Sun Cluster Reference Manual for Solaris OS
  • S
    • scalable_service(5)– scalable resource types
    • ScalDeviceGroup(5)– resource type implementation for a scalable device group
    • ScalMountPoint(5)– resource type implementation for a scalable file-system mount point
    • SCTelemetry(5)– resource type for collecting data on system resource usage
    • SUNW.crs_framework(5)– resource type implementation that coordinates shutdown of Oracle Cluster Ready Services (CRS)
    • SUNW.derby(5)– resource type implementation of the Java DB database
    • SUNW.Event(5)– resource type implementation for the Cluster Reconfiguration Notification Protocol (CRNP)
    • SUNW.gds(5)– resource type for making simple network-aware and nonnetwork-aware applications highly available or scalable
    • SUNW.HADerby(5)– resource type implementation of the Derby database
    • SUNW.HAStoragePlus(5)– resource type that enforces dependencies between Sun Cluster device services, file systems, and data services
    • SUNW.Proxy_SMF_failover(5)– resource type for proxying failover SMF services.
    • SUNW.Proxy_SMF_multimaster(5)– resource type for proxying multi-master SMF services
    • SUNW.Proxy_SMF_scalable(5)– resource type for proxying scalable SMF services
    • SUNW.rac_cvm(5)– resource type implementation that represents the Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) component of Sun Cluster Support for Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
    • SUNW.rac_framework(5)– resource type implementation for the framework that enables Sun Cluster Support for Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
    • SUNW.rac_svm(5)– resource type implementation that represents the Solaris Volume Manager component of Sun Cluster Support for Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
    • SUNW.rac_udlm(5)– resource type implementation for the configuration of the UNIX Distributed Lock Manager (Oracle UDLM) component of Sun Cluster Support for Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
    • SUNW.ScalDeviceGroup(5)– resource type implementation for a scalable device group
    • SUNW.ScalMountPoint(5)– resource type implementation for a scalable file-system mount point
    • SUNW.SCTelemetry(5)– resource type for collecting data on system resource usage
    • SUNW.vucmm_cvm(5)– resource type implementation that represents the Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) component of the Sun Cluster volume manager reconfiguration framework
    • SUNW.vucmm_framework(5)– resource type implementation for the Sun Cluster volume manager reconfiguration framework
    • SUNW.vucmm_svm(5)– resource type implementation that represents the Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster component of the volume manager reconfiguration framework