Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS

Failover_enabled Property

This property controls the failover behavior of the resource. If this extension property is set to TRUE, the application fails over when the number of restarts exceeds the Retry_count within the Retry_interval number of seconds.

If this property is set to FALSE, the application does not restart or fail over to another node when the number of restarts exceeds the Retry_count within the Retry_interval number of seconds.

You can use this property to prevent the application resource from initiating a failover of the resource group. The default value for this property is TRUE.

Note –

In future, use the Failover_mode property in place of the Failover_enabled extension property as Failover_mode better controls failover behavior. For more information, see the descriptions of the LOG_ONLY and RESTART_ONLY values for Failover_mode in the r_properties(5) man page.