Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS

Cluster Agent Module for Agent Builder

The Cluster Agent module for Agent Builder is a NetBeansTM module. This module enables you to create resource types for the Sun Cluster software through the Sun Java Studio product.

Note –

The Sun Java Studio documentation contains information about how to set up, install, and use the Sun Java Studio product. You can find this documentation at the web site.

ProcedureHow to Install and Set Up the Cluster Agent Module

The Cluster Agent module is installed when you install the Sun Cluster software. The Sun Cluster installation tool places the Cluster Agent module file scdsbuilder.jar in /usr/cluster/lib/scdsbuilder. To use the Cluster Agent module with the Sun Java Studio software, you need to create a symbolic link to this file.

Note –

The Sun Cluster and Sun Java Studio products and Java 1.4 must be installed and available to the system on which you intend to run the Cluster Agent module.

  1. Enable all users or only yourself to use the Cluster Agent module.

    • To enable all users, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.modify RBAC authorization, and create the symbolic link in the global module directory.

      # cd /opt/s1studio/ee/modules
      # ln -s /usr/cluster/lib/scdsbuilder/scdsbuilder.jar

      Note –

      If you installed the Sun Java Studio software in a directory other than /opt/s1studio/ee, substitute this directory path with the path that you used.

    • To enable only yourself, create the symbolic link in your modules subdirectory.

      % cd ~your-home-dir/ffjuser40ee/modules
      % ln -s /usr/cluster/lib/scdsbuilder/scdsbuilder.jar
  2. Stop and restart the Sun Java Studio software.

ProcedureHow to Start the Cluster Agent Module

The following steps describe how to start the Cluster Agent module from the Sun Java Studio software.

Note –

The Sun Java Studio documentation contains information about how to set up, install, and use the Sun Java Studio product. You can find this documentation at the web site.

  1. From the Sun Java Studio File menu, choose New, or click this icon on the toolbar:

    Graphic that shows the New icon on the toolbar in the
Sun Java Studio software

    The New Wizard screen appears.

    Dialog box that shows the New Wizard screen
  2. In the Select a Template pane, scroll down (if necessary) and click the key next to the Other folder.

    Inline graphic that shows the key for the Other folder

    The Other folder opens.

    Figure that shows the expanded Other folder menu
  3. From the Other folder, select Sun Cluster Agent Builder and click Next.

    The Cluster Agent module for Sun Java Studio starts. The first New Wizard - Sun Cluster Agent Builder screen appears.

    Dialog box that shows New Wizard Sun Cluster Agent Builder
screen when it first appears

Using the Cluster Agent Module

Use the Cluster Agent module as you would the Agent Builder software. The interfaces are identical. For example, the following figures show that the Create screen in the Agent Builder software and the first New Wizard - Sun Cluster Agent Builder screen in the Cluster Agent module contain the same fields and selections.

Figure 9–4 Create Screen in the Agent Builder Software

Dialog box that shows the create screen after information
has been entered

Figure 9–5 New Wizard - Sun Cluster Agent Builder Screen in the Cluster Agent Module

Dialog box that shows the New Wizard Sun Cluster Agent
Builder screen after information has been entered

Differences Between the Cluster Agent Module and Agent Builder

Despite the similarities between the Cluster Agent module and Agent Builder, minor differences exist: