Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS

Comparing Restart With Failover

If the probefail variable is something other than 0 (success), the nslookup command timed out or the reply came from a server other than the sample service's DNS. In either case, the DNS server is not functioning as expected and the fault monitor calls the decide_restart_or_failover() function to determine whether to restart the data service locally or request that the RGM relocate the data service to a different node. If the probefail variable is 0, a message is generated that the probe was successful.

   if [ $probefail -ne 0 ]; then
         logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err\
         -t [$SYSLOG_TAG]\
         "${ARGV0} Probe for resource HA-DNS successful"

The decide_restart_or_failover() function uses a time window (Retry_interval) and a failure count (Retry_count) to determine whether to restart DNS locally or request that the RGM relocate the data service to a different node. This function implements the following conditional logic. The code listing for decide_restart_or_failover() in PROBE Program Code Listing contains the code.

If the number of restarts reaches the limit during the time interval, the function requests that the RGM relocate the data service to a different node. If the number of restarts is under the limit, or the interval has been exceeded so the count begins again, the function attempts to restart DNS on the same node.

Note the following points about this function: