Sun Cluster Data Service for Oracle RAC Guide for Solaris OS

ProcedureHow to Verify the Configuration of Resources for Oracle 10g Release 2 or 11g RAC Database Instances

Resources for Oracle 10g Release 2 or 11g RAC database instances are created when the tasks in one of the following sections are performed:

This procedure provides the long forms of the Sun Cluster maintenance commands. Most commands also have short forms. Except for the forms of the command names, the commands are identical. For a list of the commands and their short forms, see Appendix A, Sun Cluster Object-Oriented Commands, in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS.

  1. Become superuser on a cluster node.

  2. Verify that the RAC database resource group is correctly configured.

    # clresourcegroup show rac-db-rg

    Specifies the name of the RAC database resource group.

  3. If required, verify that the Oracle CRS resources to represent Sun Cluster storage resources are correctly configured.

    Perform this step only if your configuration of storage management schemes requires storage resources for Oracle files.

    1. Confirm that the Oracle CRS resources to represent Sun Cluster storage resources exist.

      Use the Oracle command crstat for this purpose.

      # crs-home/bin/crs_stat | grep NAME=sun.

      Specifies the Oracle CRS home directory. This directory contains the Oracle CRS binary files and Oracle CRS configuration files.

    2. For each Oracle CRS resource that represents an Oracle RAC database instance, confirm that the required dependencies are set.

      Each Oracle CRS resource that represents an Oracle RAC database instance requires a dependency on a resource that is listed in Step a.

      # crs-home/bin/crs_stat crs-resource | grep REQUIRED_RESOURCE

      Specifies the Oracle CRS home directory. This directory contains the Oracle CRS binary files and Oracle CRS configuration files.


      Specifies the name of an Oracle CRS resource that represents an Oracle RAC database instance. The format of this name is ora.dbname.sid.inst. The replaceable items in this format are as follows:


      Specifies the database name of the instance.


      Specifies the Oracle SID of the instance.

  4. Disable the CRS framework resource.

    # clresource disable -t SUNW.crs_framework +

    This step might require several minutes to complete.

  5. Verify that the Oracle CRS are offline.

    1. Attempt to obtain the status of Oracle CRS resources.

      Use the Oracle command crstat for this purpose.

      # crs-home/bin/crs_stat -t
      CRS-0184: Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.

      Specifies the Oracle CRS home directory. This directory contains the Oracle CRS binary files and Oracle CRS configuration files.

    2. Consult the system messages file to find messages to indicate that CRS are being shut down.

  6. Verify that the following resources are offline on all nodes:

    • The CRS framework resource

    • The RAC database resource

    # clresource status -t SUNW.crs_framework,SUNW.scalable_rac_server_proxy +
  7. On each node, restart the Oracle CRS.

    # /etc/init.d/ start
    Startup will be queued to init within 30 seconds.

    This step might require several minutes to complete.

  8. On each node, verify that the Oracle CRS are online.

    Use the Oracle command crstat for this purpose.

    # crs-home/bin/crs_stat

    Specifies the Oracle CRS home directory. This directory contains the Oracle CRS binary files and Oracle CRS configuration files.

    Note –

    The startup of Oracle CRS on all nodes might require several minutes to complete. If you perform this step before the Oracle CRS are online on all nodes, the status on some nodes might be offline. In this situation, repeat this step until the status of the Oracle CRS is online on all nodes.

  9. Enable the CRS framework resource.

    # clresource enable -t SUNW.crs_framework +

    This step might require several minutes to complete.

  10. Verify that the following resources are online on all nodes:

    • The CRS framework resource

    • The RAC database resource

    # clresource status -t SUNW.crs_framework,SUNW.scalable_rac_server_proxy +

    Note –

    Enabling the CRS framework resource also enable the RAC database resource. If you perform this step before the RAC database resource is enabled on all nodes, the status on some nodes might be offline. In this situation, repeat this step until the status of the RAC database resource is online on all nodes.