Sun Cluster Data Service for SWIFTAlliance Gateway Guide for Solaris OS

Debugging Sun Cluster HA for Alliance Gateway

ProcedureHow to Set the Debug Flag for Sun Cluster HA for Alliance Gateway

Sun Cluster HA for Alliance Gateway has an option file in /opt/SUNWscsag/etc directory that enables you to set a debug flag.

Normally, the debug information for Sun Cluster software does not reside in the log files. You must edit the syslog.conf file to enable logging of messages of level debug. You can edit the syslog.conf to log those messages in another file.

  1. Edit the /etc/syslog.conf file.

    1. Change daemon.notice to daemon.debug.

      The following output from the grep daemon /etc/syslog.conf command shows that daemon.debug has not been set.

      grep daemon /etc/syslog.conf
    2. Restart syslogd.

      # pkill -1 syslogd

      The syslogd command forces syslog to reread its configuration file and account for changes.

      The following output from the grep daemon /etc/syslog.conf command shows that daemon.debug has been set.

      grep daemon /etc/syslog.conf
  2. Edit the /opt/SUNWscsag/etc/config file.

    Change the line DEBUG= to DEBUG=ALL or DEBUG=resource.