Sun Cluster Data Service for SWIFTAlliance Access Guide for Solaris OS

Sun Cluster HA for Alliance Access Overview

The HA agent is written to work with Alliance Access versions 5.5, 5.9, 6.0, 6.2 and 6.3. IBM DCE version 3.2 is not used anymore by Alliance Access 5.9 and later, and must only be installed for Alliance Access 5.5. Alliance AccessTMis a trademark of SWIFT.

The Sun Cluster HA for Alliance Access data service provides a mechanism for orderly startup, shutdown, fault monitoring, and automatic failover of the Sun Cluster service. The Sun Cluster components protected by the Sun Cluster HA for Alliance Access data service are the following.

Table 2 Protection of Components


Protected by 

DCE daemon 

Sun Cluster HA for Alliance Access (version 5.5 only) 

Alliance Access 

Sun Cluster HA for Alliance Access 

Note –

By default the HA agent provides a fault monitor for the DCE component only when using the Alliance Access 5.5. The fault monitoring for Alliance Access is switched off by default. If the Alliance Access application fails, the agent will not restart the Alliance Access application automatically. This behavior was explicitly requested by SWIFT. It will enable you to operate the application in a way that the probe does not interfere with the normal behavior of some Alliance Access features like:

The HA agent provides the start, stop, takeover, and switchover functionality. This means that when a node fails, the other node will automatically start the Alliance Access application. The HA agent also provides an option to turn on fault monitoring for Alliance Access at registration time. However, this option is not recommended by SWIFT.