Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

To Specify List Members

To add email-only members to your mailing list, use one or both of the following methods:

The mailing-list members described here are called email-only members in the Users and Groups interface of Console because they have group privileges limited to those provided by the mailing-list component of the group. “Regular” group members, which you add using a different part of the interface (described in the chapter on User and Group Administration of the Sun ONE Server Console 5.2 Server Management Guide), might have additional privileges or responsibilities beyond those of mailing-list members. For more information on groups, see the chapter on User and Group Administration of the Sun ONE Server Console 5.2 Server Management Guide.

To Define Dynamic Membership Criteria

Dynamic criteria consist of LDAP search URLs that are used as filters in searching the user directory for determining membership. This mechanism is dynamic in that, when a message arrives for the group, the individuals that receive it are determined by a directory search rather than by consulting a static list of names. You can thus create and maintain very large or complex groups without having to track each member explicitly.

LDAP search filters must be formatted in LDAP URL syntax. For more detailed information on constructing LDAP filters, see the chapter on User and Group Administration of the Sun ONE Server Console 5.2 Server Management Guide. See also the Sun Java System Directory Server documentation and RFC 1959.

An LDAP URL has the following syntax:


where the options of the URL have the following meanings:

Table C–1 LDAP URL Options




Host name of the Directory Server (Defaults to the Directory server host name used by Messaging Server). 


Port number for the LDAP server. If no port is specified, it defaults to the standard LDAP port used by Messaging Server. 


Distinguished name of an entry in the directory, to be used as the search base. This component is required. 


The attributes to be returned. These attributes are supplied by Messaging Server. 


Scope of search: 

A scope of base retrieves information only on the search base (base_dn) itself.

A scope of one retrieves information one level below the search base (the search-base level is not included).

A scope of sub retrieves information on the search base and all entries below the search base.


Search filter to apply to entries within the specified scope of the search. If no filter is specified, (objectclass=*) is used.

The following is an example of an LDAP search URL that filters for users who have Sunnyvale as their mail host:

ldap:///o=Siroe Corp,c=US??sub?(&(

The above URL filters for users who are members of the organization of Siroe (o=Siroe), in the United States (c=US), and have a mail host of Sunnyvale (mailHost=sunnyvale). The objectClass attribute defines the type of entry for which to search, in this case inetLocalMailRecipient (objectClass=inetLocalMailRecipient).

Note that when you create a search filter using Console, all group names are ignored; that is, only user names are included in the search results whereas group members are not. The purpose of this setting is to avoid duplicating users that are also group members in the search results. This setting can be overridden using the command line configuration utility (configutil), but it is not recommended.

As noted in the next section, Console provides a template window (the Construct LDAP Search URL window) that you can use as an aid in building a search URL.

To Add Mailing-List Members

To add (email-only) members to a mailing list:

ProcedureTo Add Mailing-List Members

  1. In Console, access the Create Group or Edit Entry window, as described in To Access Mailing Lists

  2. Click the Mail tab.

  3. Click the Email-only Members tab.

    • (Optional) To specify an LDAP Search URL for determining membership, click the Add button beneath the “Dynamic criteria for email-only membership” field, then in the Add Dynamic Criterion window:

    • Enter an LDAP Search URL in the field or click the Construct button to open the Construct LDAP Search URL window, a template that aids construction of the search URL.

    • Click OK to add your entry to the “Dynamic criteria for email-only membership” field and dismiss the Add Dynamic Criterion window.

      For instructions on creating an LDAP Search URL, see To Define Dynamic Membership Criteria

  4. (Optional) To add an individual member to the mailing list, click the Add button beneath the “Members with email only membership” field, then in the Add Email-Only Member window:

    • Enter the primary address for the new member in the field. The primary address must be a correctly-formatted SMTP address that conforms to RFC 821 specifications. You should not enter an alternate address—especially if you specify restrictions for the group. You can add only one new member each time you open this window; the field cannot hold more than one address.

    • Click OK to add the user to the members list and dismiss the Add Email-Only Member window. To enter another address, click Add again to re-open the Add Email-Only Member window.

  5. Click OK at the bottom of the Edit Entry window if you have finished making changes to this mailing list. Otherwise, click other tabs to continue making changes.