Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

MMP Virtual Domains

An MMP virtual domain is a set of configuration settings associated with a server IP address. The primary use of this feature is to provide different default domains for each server IP address.

A user can authenticate to MMP with either a short-form userID or a fully qualified userID in the form user@domain. When a short-form userID is supplied, the MMP will append the DefaultDomain setting, if specified. Consequently, a site which supports multiple hosted domains can permit the use of short-form user IDs simply by associating a server IP address and MMP virtual domain with each hosted domain.

The recommended method for locating the user subtree for a given hosted domain is via the inetDomainBaseDN attribute in the LDAP domain tree entry for that domain. The MMP’s LdapUrl setting is not suitable for this purpose since the back-end mail store servers will also need to look up the user in LDAP and do not support virtual domains.

When Sun LDAP Schema 2 is enabled (see the Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX and Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Schema Reference), the user subtree for the specified domain will be all the users in the subtree below the organization node for that domain.

To enable virtual domains, edit the ImapProxyAService.cfg, PopProxyAService.cfg, or SmtpProxyAService.cfg file(s) in the instance directory such that the VirtualDomainFile setting specifies the full path to the virtual domain mapping file.

Each entry of a virtual domain file has the following syntax:

vdmap name 
IPaddrname:parameter value

Where name is simply used to associate the IP address with the configuration parameters and can be any name you choose to use, IPaddr is in dot-quad format, and parameter and value pairs configure the virtual domain. When set, virtual domain configuration parameter values override global configuration parameter values.

Listed below are the configuration parameters you can specify for a virtual domain:

AuthCacheSize and AuthCacheSizeTTL
BindDN and BindPass
LdapCacheSize and LdapCacheTTL
StoreAdmin and StoreAdminPass

Note –

Unless the LdapURL is correctly set, the BindDN, BindPass, LdapCacheSize and LdapCacheTTL settings will be ignored.

For detailed descriptions of these configuration parameters, see the Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference