Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

To Use Conversion Channel Output Options

Conversion channel output options (Table 13–4) are dynamic variables used to pass information and special directives from the conversion script to the conversion channel. For example, during body part processing the script may want to send a special directive asking the conversion channel to bounce the message and to add some error text to the returned message stating that the message contained a virus.

The output options are initiated by setting OVERRIDE-OPTION-FILE=1 in the desired conversion entry. Output options are then set by the script as needed and stored in the environmental variable file, OUTPUT_OPTIONS. When the script is finished processing the body part, the conversion channel reads the options from the OUTPUT_OPTIONS file.

The OUTPUT_OPTION variable is the name of the file from which the conversion channel reads options. Typically it is used as an on-the-fly temporary file to pass information. The example below shows a script that uses output options to return an error message to a sender who mailed a virus.

/usr/local/bin/viro_screen2k $INPUT_FILE   # run the virus screener

if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
   echo "OUTPUT_DIAGNOSTIC=’Virus found and deleted.’" > $OUTPUT_OPTIONS
   echo "STATUS=178029946" >> $OUTPUT_OPTIONS
   cp $INPUT_FILE $OUTPUT_FILE # Message part is OK


In this example, the system diagnostic message and status code are added to the file defined by $OUTPUT_OPTIONS. If you read the $OUTPUT_OPTIONS temporary file out you would see something like:

OUTPUT_DIAGNOSTIC="Virus found and deleted."

The line OUTPUT_DIAGNOSTIC='Virus found and deleted’ tells the conversion channel to add the text Virus found and deleted to the message.

178029946 is the PMDF__FORCERETURN status per the pmdf_err.h file which is found in the msg_svr_base/include/deprecated/pmdf_err.h. This status code directs the conversion channel to bounce the message back to the sender. (For more information on using special directives refer to To Bounce, Delete, or Hold Messages Using the Conversion Channel Output

A complete list of the output options is shown below.

Table 13–4 Conversion Channel Output Options




MIME content type of the output message part. 


MIME content subtype of the output message part. 


MIME content description of the output message part. 


Text to include as part of the message sent to the sender if a message is forcibly bounced by the conversion channel. 


MIME content-disposition of the output message part.


MIME content transfer encoding to use on the output message part.


MIME Mode with which the conversion channel should write the output message part, hence the mode with which recipients should read the output message part.


Exit status for the converter. This is typically a special directive initiating some action by the conversion channel. A complete list of directives can be viewed in msg_svr_base/include/deprecated/pmdf_err.h