Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Prompts for Windows

When logging in to Communications Express Mail for the first time on Windows 98, 2000 or XP, the following prompts display:

  1. If the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE) is not installed on your computer (client machine), you receive a prompt looking something like this:

    Do you want to install and run “Java Plug-in 1.4.2_03 signed on 11/20/03 and distributed by Sun Microsystems, Inc.”?Publisher authenticity verified by: VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2001 CA

    Click Yes and follow the subsequent prompts to install JRE.

    Note –

    If you desire English language support and also want to read incoming S/MIME messages that contain non-Latin characters, such as Chinese, the charsets.jar file must be in the /lib directory on your computer.

    To ensure that the charsets.jar file is installed in the /lib directory, use the custom installation to install the English version of JRE. During the installation process, select the “Support for Additional Languages” option.

    See Multi-language Support for more information.

    Click Finish at the last installation prompt. Restart your computer and log in to Communications Express Mail again.

  2. A prompt asking you:

    Do you want to trust the signed applet distributed by “Sun Microsystems, Inc.”?Publisher authenticity verified by: Thawte Consulting cc

    Click one of the following responses:

    • Yes, to accept the S/MIME applet for this Communications Express Mail session. The prompt displays each time you log in.

      • No, to reject the S/MIME applet. You cannot use the S/MIME features.

      • Always, to accept the S/MIME applet for this and all subsequent Communications Express Mail sessions. You will not see the prompt again.

  3. A prompt asking you:

    Do you want to trust the signed applet distributed by “sun microsystems, inc.”?Publisher authenticity verified by: VeriSign, Inc.

    Click one of the following responses:

    • Yes, to accept the S/MIME applet for this Communications Express Mail session. The prompt displays each time you log in.

    • No, to reject the S/MIME applet. You cannot use the S/MIME features.

    • Always, to accept the S/MIME applet for this and all subsequent Communications Express Mail sessions. You will not see the prompt again.