Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Understanding Service Log File Format

All message store and administration service log files created by Messaging Server have identical content formats. Log files are multiline text files, in which each line describes one logged event. All event descriptions, for each of the supported services, have the general format:

dateTime hostName processName[pid]: category logLevel: eventMessage

Table 21–6 lists the log file components. Note that this format of event descriptions is identical to that defined by the UNIX syslog facility, except that the date/time format is different and the format includes two additional components (category and logLevel).

Table 21–6 Store and Administration Log File Components




The date and time at which the event was logged, expressed in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss format, with a time-zone field expressed as +/-hhmm from GMT. For example:02/Jan/1999:13:08:21 -0700


The name of the host machine on which the server is running: for example, showshoe.

Note: If there is more than one instance of Messaging Server on the host, you can use the process ID (pid) to separate logged events of one instance from another.


The name of the process that generated the event: for example, cgi_store.


The process ID of the process that generated the event: for example, 18753.


The category that the event belongs to: for example, General (see Example 21–5).


The level of logging that the event represents: for example, Notice (see Example 21–4).


An event-specific explanatory message that may be of any length: for example, Log created (894305624).

Here are three examples of logged events as viewed using Console:

02/May/1998:17:37:32 -0700 showshoe cgi_store[18753]:
 General Notice:
   Log created (894155852)

04/May/1998:11:07:44 -0400 xyzmail cgi_service[343]: General Error:
   function=getserverhello|port=2500|error=failed to connect

03/Dec/1998:06:54:32 +0200 SiroePost imapd[232]: Account Notice:
   close [] [unauthenticated] 1998/12/3 6:54:32
   0:00:00 0 115 0

IMAP and POP event entries may end with three numbers. The example above has 0 115 0. The first number is bytes sent by client, the second number is the bytes sent by the server, and third number is mailboxes selected (always 1 for POP).

When viewing a log file in the Log Viewer window, you can limit the events displayed by searching for any specific component in an event, such as a specific logging level or category, or a specific process ID. For more information, see Searching and Viewing Service Logs.

The event message of each log entry is in a format specific to the type of event being logged, that is, each service defines what content appears in any of its event messages. Many event messages are simple and self-evident; others are more complex.