Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Adding an Email Group to a Shared Folder

Adding an email group to a shared folder requires System Administrator privileges.

  1. Create a folder. (If this has already been done, then skip this step. )

    Typically this should be done by one of the members of the group. If it’s not, you can create it for them using the following command:

    mboxutil -c user/gregk/gardening

    gregk is the uid of the shared folder owner. gardening is the name of the shared folder.

  2. Add the attribute-value pair aclGroupAddr group_name@domain to the user entry of every member who will have access to the group shared folder.

    Using the example above, add the following attribute-value pair to each user entry receiving access to the shared folder:


    Note that members will already have this attribute if the group was created dynamically using the memberURL attribute in the group entry. URL value for this attribute would look like this:

    memberURL: ldap:///

    (The sample entry line has been wrapped for typographic reasons. The actual entry should appear on one physical line.)

  3. Specify the group and the access rights to the shared folder.

    Use the readership command to do this. Using the example above the following command gives members of lookup, read, and posting access to the public folder gardening:

    readership -s user/gregk/tennis lrp

    For detailed instructions on how to user readership, see To Set or Change a Shared Folder’s Access Control Rights