Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Automatically Detect Arabic Character Sets

  1. Edit your mappings file in the msg_svr_base/config directory to enable a conversion channel for the source and destination channel of your choosing. To enable a conversion channel for all mail coming in from the Internet to your local users, add a section to your mappings file similar to the following:

       IN-CHAN=tcp*;OUT-CHAN=ims-ms;CONVERT YES

    Note that the IN and OUT channels depend on your configuration. If you are deploying on a relay MTA, you must modify the channels to fit your configuration. For example,


    Or, you could turn it on for all channels as follows:


  2. Create a conversions file in the msg_svr_base/config directory that is owned and readable by the current version of Messaging Server user, and that contains the following:

    in-channel=*; out-channel=*;
      in-type=text; in-subtype=*;
      parameter-copy-0=*; dparameter-copy-0=*;
      original-header-file=1; override-header-file=1;
  3. Compile your MTA configuration with the following command:

    msg_svr_base/sbin/imsimta cnbuild

  4. Restart with the command:

    msg_svr_base/sbin/imsimta restart