Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Reference

Option File Format and Available Options

Option files consist of several lines. Each line contains the setting for one option. An option setting has the form:


The value may be either a string, an integer, or a floating point value depending on the option's requirements. If the option accepts an integer value, a base may be specified using notation of the form b%v, where b is the base expressed in base 10 and v is the actual value expressed in base b.

Long option values may be broken onto several lines. Each line that is to be continued should end with a back slash (\).

Comments are allowed. Any line that begins with an exclamation point (!), hash (#), or semicolon (;) is considered to be a comment and is ignored. You are allowed comments between continuation lines. Blank lines are also ignored in any option file.

The available options are listed in Table 4–16.

Table 4–16 Option File Options



ACCESS_ERRORS (Integer 0 or 1)

Controls whether or not a $N in one of the *_ACCESS mappings that does not supply its own error text returns a generic invalid address error (value 0, the default) or a more specific you are not allowed to send to this address error (value 1).


Setting ACCESS_ORCPT to 1 adds an additional vertical bar delimited field to the probe value passed to the SEND_ACCESS, ORIG_SEND_ACCESS, MAIL_ACCESS, and ORIG_MAIL_ACCESS mapping tables that contains the original recipient (ORCPT) address. If the message doesn't have an ORCPT address the original unmodified RCPT TO: address is used instead. The default is 0.


Controls the format of alias file and alias database lookups. This option takes a bit-encoded integer as its argument. The default value is 1, meaning that alias file and alias database lookups probe with only the local part (mailbox portion) of the address. Not that for addresses matching the local channel, such a probe is made even if bit 0 (value 1) is not set. Setting bit 1 (value 2) causes a probe to be made using the entire address (including the domain name). Setting bit 2 (value 4) causes a wildcard (*) probe to be made. If all bits are set, that is ALIAS_DOMAIN=7, then the order of the probes is to first probe with the entire address (the most specific check), next probe with a wildcard (*) local part plus the domain name, and finally probe with just the local part.


Controls negative caching of alias entries. A nonzero value enables caching of alias match failures. A zero value disables it. 

Default: 0


Controls the size, in entries, of the alias cache. 

Default: 1000


Controls the timeout, in seconds, of the alias cache. 

Default: 600


Specifies a URL to query for alias lookups. The URL must be specified using standard LDAP URL syntax, except the LDAP server and port must be omitted. The LDAP server and port are specified via the LDAP_HOST and LDAP_PORT options.

See The Direct LDAP Algorithm and Implementation in Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide for certain substitution sequences.

ALIAS_HASH_SIZE (Integer <= 32,767)

Sets the size of the alias hash table. This is an upper limit on the number of aliases that can be defined in the alias file. The default is 256; the maximum value is 32,767. 


Determines he exact alias sources that are checked and the order in which they are checked. When set to 8764, the URL specified by the ALIAS_URL0 MTA option is checked first, then the URL specified by the ALIAS_URL1 MTA option, then the URL specified by the ALIAS_URL2 MTA option, and finally, the alias file. The alias database is not checked when this setting is active.

ALIAS_MEMBER_SIZE (Integer <= 20,000)

Controls the size of the index table that contains the list of alias translation value pointers. The total number of addresses on the right sides of all of the alias definitions in the alias file cannot exceed this value. The default is 320; the maximum value is 20,000. 


If set to 1, it will add additional filter terms to search on the syntactically invalid dequoted form of quoted addresses. 

Default: 0

BLOCK_LIMIT (Integer > 0)

Places an absolute limit on the size, in blocks, of any message that may be sent or received with the MTA. Any message exceeding this size is rejected. By default, the MTA imposes no size limits. Note that the blocklimit channel keyword can be used to impose limits on a per-channel basis. The size in bytes of a block is specified with the BLOCK_SIZE option.

BLOCK_SIZE (Integer > 0)

The MTA uses the concept of a “block” in several ways. For example, the MTA log files (resulting from placing the logging keyword on channels) record message sizes in terms of blocks. Message size limits specified using the maxblocks keyword are also in terms of blocks. Normally, an MTA block is equivalent to 1024 characters. This option can be used to modify this sense of what a block is.

Caution: Reducing BLOCK_SIZE too much (to a value of 1) may have negative impact on the MTA.


The introduction of DNS wildcard entries in the COM and ORG top-level domains has made the mailfromdnsverify channel keyword almost useless. The mailfromdnsverify code has been modified to address this. When the DNS returns one or more A records, their values are compared against the domain literals specified by this option. If a match is found the domain is considered to be invalid. To restore correct behavior of mailfromdnsverify, the current correct setting is:


This option’s value defaults to an empty string. 


Used to force bounces of messages over the specified size to return only the message headers, rather than the full message content. 


As a pair with the matching Brightmail_verdict_n option, this can specify a Sieve command with optional if-then-else statement* to execute. For example, if you want to reject spam, then you may have the pair:

Brightmail_verdict_0=spamfolder Brightmail_action_0=data:,require "reject"; reject "Rejected by Brightmail";

The template for the Sieve command is:data:,[requirecommand;] command;Where the require statement is needed for reject and fileinto. Another example:

Brightmail_verdict_1=spam-folder Brightmail_action_1_=data;,require "fileinto";fileinto "Junk";

This files the spam (assuming spam-folder is the verdict returned by Brightmail for spam) into a folder called Junk. Without Junk, spam will be filed into the folder called spam-folder.

Default: none 


Required to activate Brightmail. Full file path and name of the Brightmail configuration file. When specified along with Brightmail_library, the MTA is enabled for Brightmail integration. Can also be used with SpamAssassin. 

Example: /opt/mailwall/configDefault: None


Required to activate Brightmail. Full file path and name of the Brightmail SDK shared library. When specified along with Brightmail_config_file, this library is loaded by the MTA at run time. Can also be used with SpamAssassin.

Example: /opt/mailwall/lib/ Default: None


Specifies a Sieve command with optional if-then-else statement* to execute when the verdict from Brightmail matches the Null action in the Brightmail configuration file. For example, if the Brightmail configuration file has: 

blSWClientDestinationLocal: spam|

where the null or nothing after the | means the null action. If the verdict for the message is spam, matching the word spam before the |, then the null action will be taken by the MTA. There is usually no reason to specify this option, since the default action is discard, matching what Brightmail means by the null action. Can also be used with SpamAssassin.

The template for the Sieve command is:data:,[requirecommand;] command;Where the require statement is needed for reject and fileinto.

Default: data:,discard;


If set to 1, when the MTA calls an initialization routine to load the Brightmail SDK, but fails, the MTA continues as if Brightmail was not enabled. This setting has no effect if the MTA is already in a dialogue with Brightmail and Brightmail dies. In this case the MTA returns a temporary error to the SMTP client. 

Default: 0


Specifies a Sieve command with optional if-then-else statement* to execute when the Brightmail verdict matches an action which is a string in the Brightmail configuration file. Can also be used with SpamAssassin. For example, if in the Brightmail configuration file you have 

blSWClientDestinationLocal: spam|spam-folder

then spam-folder is a string. If the verdict is spam, then we have a string which matches the verdict. This option is rarely used, since the default action when a string is specified is to file the message into that folder.

The template for the Sieve command is:data:,[requirecommand”;] command;Where the require statement is needed for reject and fileinto.

Default: data:,require "fileinto"; fileinto "$U”;

$U is the string to the right of | in the blSWClientDestinationLocal value (in the example above it would be spam-folder)


Brightmail_verdict_n and Brightmail_action_n are matched pairs, where n is a number from 0 to 9. These options are not normally specified if you take the default interpretation of Brightmail verdicts. The possible values for this option are specified by the values on the right of the | in the Brightmail configuration file options blSWClientDestinationLocal (for local domains) or blSWClientDesintationForeign (for domains that are not local). Using the example:


you would want to have Brightmail_verdict_0=spamfolder (not spam, which is to the left of |. This may seem non-intuitive, but that is indeed how it works.

Default: none 

CACHE_DEBUG (0 or 1)

When set to 1, this option indicates to various MTA components to write information about the domain, alias, and reverse caches to its debug log file just prior to exiting. 


(Integer <= 32,767) 

Controls the size of the channel table. The total number of channels in the configuration file cannot exceed this value. The default is 256; the maximum is 32,767. 


(comma separated list of up to eight integers) 

Specifies the bin divisions, in seconds, for the MTA circuit check counters. The default values are 120, 300, 900, 1800, 3600, 7200, 14400, and 28800 (2 minutes, 5 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours respectively). 


(Integer <=256) 

Controls the size of the circuit check paths table, and thus the total number of circuit check configuration file entries. The default is 10.

COMMENT_CHARS (Integer list)

Sets the comment characters in the MTA configuration files. The value of this option takes the form of a list of ASCII character values in decimal. The default is the list {33, 59}, which specifies exclamation points and semicolons as comment introduction characters. 


Specifies the maximum size of an originating message that will be returned in a notification message. If the original message content is larger than this size, then the message will not be returned in a notification message. The units are in blocks (see BLOCK_SIZE).


(Integer <= 2000) 

Controls the size of the conversion entry table, and thus the total number of conversion file entries cannot exceed this number. The default is 32.


Whether mail groups are expanded online (by the enqueuing tcp_smtp_server, for instance, or offline by enqueuing the group address unchanged to the reprocess channel, is controlled by the value of the mailDeferprocessing attribute on the LDAP entry for the group. If that attribute is absent, then the behavior of the system is controlled by the DEFER_GROUP_PROCESSING option. If this value is set, mail groups with no mailDeferProcessing attribute are expanded offline. Otherwise they are expanded online.

The default is 1 (yes).


Controls the conversion of the mailDeliveryOption attribute into appropriate addresses. This option not only specifies what addresses are produced by each permissible mailDeliveryOption value, but also what the permissible mailDeliveryOption values are and whether or not each one is applicable to users, groups, or both. The value of this option consists of a comma-separated list of deliveryoption=template pairs, each pair with one or more optional single character prefixes. Refer to the Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide for more details.


DELIVERY_OPTIONS=*mailbox=$M%$\\$2I$_+$2S@ims-ms-daemon,&members=*, *native=$M@native-daemon,/hold=@hold-daemon:$A,*unix=$M@native-daemon,&file=+$F@native-daemon,&@members_offline=*,program=$M%$P@pipe-daemon,#forward=**,*^!autoreply=$M+$D@bitbucket


Specifies whether debugging output from the MTA's dequeue facility (QU) is produced. If enabled with a value of 1, this output is produced on all channels that use the QU routines. The default of 0 disables this output.

DEQUEUE_MAP (0 or 1)

Determines whether or not a message is mapped into memory when dequeuing. The default is 1.


Specifies a template to use in the event of a domain lookup failure. 

Default: reprocess-daemon$Mtcp_local$1M$1~-error$4000000?Temporary lookup failure


(Integer <= 32,767) 

Controls the size of the domain rewrite rules hash table. Each rewrite rule in the configuration file consumes one slot in this hash table; thus the number of rewrite rules cannot exceed this option's value. The default is 512; the maximum number of rewrite rules is 32,767.


Sets the maximum size of the MTA’s private domain match cache. 




Sets the timeout for entries in the MTA’s private domain match cache. 


600 (seconds)


Sets the URL for vanity domain checking. The value of this option should be set to: 


DOMAIN_UPLEVEL (Integer, 0-3)

Controls the MTA domain and email address lookup. It accepts a two-bit binary value (0-3). Table 4–17 describes this control in detail.

Default is 0.


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: you are not allowed to use this address 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: you are not allowed to use this list 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: error opening file/URL referenced by alias 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: nonexistent file referenced by alias 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: list is currently reserved and locked 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: temporary error returned by alias expansion 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: channel size limit exceeded 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: group no longer on server 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: recipient no longer on server 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: alias disabled; cannot receive new mail 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: user disabled; cannot receive new mail 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: duplicate/ambiguous directory match 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: group temporarily disabled 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: mailbox temporarily disabled 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: channel line limit exceeded 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: list size limit exceeded 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: list line limit exceeded 


When used with the NO-SOLICIT SMTP extension (described in the Internet Draft draft-malamud-no-soliciting-07.txt), this option specifies alternate error message text when a message is refused due to an examination of its solicitation fields.


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: user over quota; cannot receive new mail 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: unknown host or domain 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: message accepted for list expansion processing 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: no protocol to SEND/SAML 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: do not know how to SEND/SAML 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: filter access error 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: filter syntax error 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: filtering/scanning error 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: unknown host or domain 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: unknown or illegal alias 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: unknown host or domain 


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: unknown or illegal user 


(Integer 0 or 1) 

Specifies whether or not lists are expandable by default. The option, if set to 1 enables the SMTP EXPN command. 1 is the default and allows for mail list expansion.


(Integer 0 or 1) 

Controls the application of the exproute channel keyword to forward-pointing (To, Cc, and Bcc lines) addresses in the message header. A value of 1 is the default and specifies that exproute should affect forward pointing header addresses. A value of 0 disables the action of the exproute keyword on forward pointing addresses.


Specifies the maximum size of the table that tracks the list of files contributed to the configuration. 


Controls the size of the cache that stores tokenized sieve filters for process-wide reuse. 

Default: 500


Controls the timeout, in seconds, of the filter cache. 

Default: 600


Controls whether mailbox filter discard actions cause such discarded messages to be immediately discarded, or cause such messages to go to the FILTER_DISCARD channel. The FILTER_DISCARD channel keeps messages for a short period before discarding them. The default is FILTER_DISCARD=1, which means that messages discarded by a mailbox filter are immediately discarded. Setting FILTER_DISCARD=2 causes discarded messages to instead be routed to the filter_discard channel.


Controls whether the mailbox filter jettison Sieve action immediately discards jettisoned messages, or such messages go to the FILTER_DISCARD channel. The FILTER_DISCARD channel keeps messages for a short period before discarding them. FILTER_JETTISON=1 specifies that jettisoned messages are immediately discarded. FILTER_JETTISON=2 causes jettisoned messages to be routed to the FILTER_DISCARD channel. FILTER_JETTISON takes its default from the FILTER_DISCARD setting. FILTER_DISCARD in turn defaults to 1. See Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide for details.


Specifies the maximum size in blocks of the primary (outermost) message header. Headers are silently truncated when the limit is reached. This limit is useful in preventing a denial of service attack involving a message with an enormous header from consuming all available memory. The default is 2000.


Controls how many delivery attempt history records are included in returned messages. The delivery history provides an indication of how many delivery attempts were made and might indicate the reason the delivery attempts failed. The default value for this option is 20.

HELD_SNDOPR (Integer 0 or 1)

Controls the production of operator messages when a message is forced into a held state because it has too many Received: header lines. The default is 0 and specifies that the syslog messages are not generated when messages or forced to .HELD status due to too many Received: header lines. The value of 1 specifies that syslog messages are generated.


(Integer <= 32,767) 

Controls the size of the channel hosts hash table. Each channel host specified on a channel definition in the MTA configuration file (both official hosts and aliases) consumes one slot in this hash table, so the total number of channel hosts cannot exceed the value specified. The default is 512; the maximum value allowed is 32,767.


Specifies the domain name to use when constructing message IDs. By default, the official host name of the local channel is used. 


(Integer 0 or 1) 

Controls the application of the improute channel keyword to forward-pointing (To, Cc, and Bcc lines) addresses in the message header. A value of 1 is the default and specifies that improute should affect forward-pointing header addresses. A value of 0 disables the action of the improute keyword on forward-pointing addresses.


Provides a means of including the transport and application connection information in various mapping probes that otherwise would not include this material. If included, the information appears at the beginning of the mapping probe in the same format used in the FROM_ACCESS, MAIL_ACCESS, and ORIG_MAIL_ACCESS mappings. The option is a bit-encoded value that defaults to 0. Each assigned bit corresponds to a particular nonpositional alias parameter, as follows. Setting bit 0 (value 1) corresponds to the AUTH_MAPPING alias. Setting bit 1 (value 2) corresponds to the MODERATOR_MAPPING alias. Setting bit 2 (value 4) corresponds to the CANT_MAPPING alias. Setting bit 3 (value 8) corresponds to the DEFERRED_MAPPING alias. Setting bit 4 (value 16) corresponds to the DIRECT_MAPPING alias. Setting bit 5 (value 32) corresponds to the HOLD_MAPPING alias. Setting bit 6 (value 64) corresponds to the NOHOLD_MAPPING alias. Setting bit 7 (value 128) corresponds to the SASL_AUTH_MAPPING alias. Setting bit 8 (value 256) corresponds to the SASL_MODERATOR_MAPPING alias. Setting bit 9 (value 512) corresponds to the SASL_CANT_MAPPING alias.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify header field values that are to be added to the message header if it is present. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpAddHeader corresponds to the standard schema.


Can be used to override the use of the mailAlternateAddress attribute.


Specifies the LDAP attribute name in the global Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v2 domain search template which contains the domain search pattern. This option is ignored if the LDAP_GLOBAL_CONFIG_TEMPLATE is not set. The default value of this option is inetDomainSearchFilter.


Specifies the LDAP attribute name for the primary domain attribute used by Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v2. The default value is sunPreferredDomain.


This is the LDAP attribute name for the secondary domain attribute used by Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v2. The default value is associatedDomain.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the maximum message size in bytes that can be sent to the group. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpMsgMaxSize corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to identify domains (including subdomains) from which users are allowed to send messages to the mail group. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpAllowedDomain corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify a password needed to post to the list. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpAuthPassword corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the level of authentication required to access the list of broadcaster addresses. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpBroadcasterPolicy corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to identify mail users allowed to send messages to the mail group. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpAllowedBroadcaster corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to impose a size limit in units of MTA blocks that can be sent to this user or group. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailMsgMaxBlocks corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to identify domains from which users are not allowed to send messages to the mail group. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpDisallowedDomain corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to identify mail users not allowed to send messages to the mail group. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpDisallowedBroadcaster corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the attribute used to specify one or more message capture addresses. 

No default. 


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use for conversion tags attached to a message to this user or group. Tag-specific conversion actions are specified in the MTA configuration. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailConversionTag corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the default attribute if no attribute is specified in the LDAP query for URLs that are supposed to return a single result. 


Overrides the service.defaultdomain configutil parameter.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the fully-qualified local path of the file to which all messages sent to the mailing list are appended. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailDeliveryFileURL corresponds to the standard schema


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify delivery options for the mail recipient. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailDeliveryOption corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify disk space allowed for the user's mailbox in bytes. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailQuota corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute name which contains a pointer to another domain node in Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v1. The default value is aliasedObjectName.


No default. 


Specifies the LDAP attribute name which contains the baseDN of the user subtree associated with a given domain in Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v1. In Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v2 mode, this attribute specifies the canonical organization node (under which the users are located) pointed to by a domain index node. The default value is inetDomainBaseDN.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to impose a size limit in units of MTA blocks on all messages sent to addresses in this domain. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailDomainMsgMaxBlocks corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute name which contains the canonical domain name associated with a Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v1 domain entry. The default value is inetCanonicalDomainName.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify an address to be substituted for any address in the domain that does not match any user or group in the domain. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailDomainCatchallAddress corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use for one or more conversion tags attached to messages to any user in the domain. Tag-specific conversion actions are specified in the MTA configuration. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailDomainConversionTag corresponds to the standard schema.


No default. 


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the sieve filter for all users in the domain. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailDomainSieveRuleSource corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the mail status. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailDomainStatus corresponds to the standard schema.


No default. 


When used with the NO-SOLICIT SMTP extension (described in the Internet Draft draft-malamud-no-soliciting-07.txt), this option specifies the name of an LDAP attribute used to store the solicitation field values that are to be declined in messages sent to users in a particular domain. Multiple values and glob-style wildcards are allowed.

Default: none 


The name of the LDAP attribute used to activate Brightmail on a per-domain basis. It applies to the destination domain. It is just like LDAP_optin above except it should be in the objectclass mailDomain.

Default: none 


No default. 


The LDAP attribute specifying the maximum number of recipient addresses for a message (from the domain containing this attribute) before the message is rejected. This is a domain analog to the recipientcutoff keyword. No default.


The LDAP attribute specifying the maximum number of recipient addresses for a message coming from the domain containing this attribute. Addresses over the limited are rejected. This is a domain analog to the recipientlimit keyword. No default.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the header From: address in DSNs reporting problems associated with recipient addresses in the domain. It is also used when reporting problems to users within the domain regarding errors associated with non-local addresses. If this attribute is not set, the reporting address defaults to postmaster@domain. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailDomainReportAddress corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the fully-qualified host name of the MTA responsible for making routing decisions for users in this (and all contained) domain(s). Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailRoutingHosts corresponds to the standard schema.


Specify domain level LDAP attribute for conversion tags associated with the source address. No default. 


LDAP attribute specifying the maximum number of blocks a message can contain coming from the domain containing this attribute. This is a domain analog to the sourceblocklimit keyword. No default.

No default. 


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the fully-qualified host name of a mail server responsible for handling mail for users not found in the local directory. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailRoutingSmarthost corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the current status of the mail domain (active, inactive, deleted, or hold). Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailDomainStatus corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to override the default mailbox (MB) home. Typically, this option is not set because the default value domainUidSeparator corresponds to the standard schema.


This is the LDAP search filter used for Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v1 domain lookups. 

Default: (|(objectclass=inetDomain)(objectclass=inetdomainalias)).


This is the LDAP search filter used for Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v2 domain lookups. 

Default: (objectclass=sunManagedOrganization)


If set, overrides the service.dcroot configutil parameter.


Controls the retention time for entries in the domain map cache. This value is expressed in seconds. 


60 * 15 (or 15 minutes)


Specifies the vacation end date attribute. 

Default: vacationEndDate


Can be used to override the mailEquivalentAddress attribute.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the recipient of error messages generated when messages are submitted to this list. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpErrorsTo corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the attribute to check for group expansion as part of an SMTP EXPN command. 

Default: mgmanMemberVisibility


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify SIEVE rules for filtering mail. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailSieveRuleSource corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies an attribute containing a DN pointing to a directory entry where the head of household sieve can be found. 


Default: mailForwardingAddress


Specifies the LDAP baseDN which contains the global Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v2 domain template for domain searches. Use of this option is not recommended. There is no default value. 


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to identify a member of a group of names where each name was given a uniqueIdentifier to ensure its uniqueness. Typically, this option is not set because the default value uniqueMember corresponds to the standard schema.


Controls mail-specific group status attributes. 


Specifies different sets of object classes for groups. 


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to identify recipients of mail sent to mail group. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpRFC822MailMember (or rfc822MailMember, used for backward compatibility) corresponds to the standard schema.


Used to select alternate general status attributes for groups. 


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use as an alternative method of specifying mail group membership. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpDeliverTo corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify a list of URLs, which, when expanded, provides a list of mailing list member addresses. Typically, this option is not set because the default value memberURL corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the size of the internal table of LDAP attribute names. 


Specifies an attribute containing the head of household sieve. The value of this option defaults to mailSieveRuleSource.


Specifies an attribute containing the email address of the owner of the head of household. The value of this option defaults to mail.

LDAP_HOST (Host name)

If set, overrides the MTA's use of the local.ugldaphost configutil parameter in accessing the LDAP directory server.


If set, overrides the MTA's use of the local.imta.hostnamealiases configutil parameter in accessing the LDAP directory server.


If set, overrides the MTA's use of the local.hostname configutil parameter in accessing the LDAP directory server.


Specifies the list of attributes to search containing addresses that are candidates for address reversal. If this option is not set, the local.imta.schematag configutil parameter is examined, and depending on its value, an appropriate set of default attributes is chosen.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the fully-qualified host name of the MTA that is the final destination of messages sent to this recipient. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailhost corresponds to the standard schema.


Limits the number of LDAP connections the LDAP pool the MTA uses can make. Default: 1024.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the maximum number of messages permitted for a user. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailMsgQuota corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the LDAP URI or mailto URL identifying the moderators allowed to submit messages to this list. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpModerator corresponds to the standard schema.


When used with the NO-SOLICIT SMTP extension (described in the Internet Draft draft-malamud-no-soliciting-07.txt), this option specifies the name of an LDAP attribute used to store solicitation field values a user declines to accept in a user entry. Multiple attribute values can be used to specify multiple values. Glob-style wildcards can be used.

Default: none; a value must be specified to enable per-user solicitation blocking. 


The name of the LDAP attribute used to activate Brightmail on a per-user basis. This should be an attribute in the inetMailUser objectclass. If you do not have another predefined attribute, use mailAntiUBEService.

The attribute itself (example: mailAntiUBEService) is multi-valued, case-sensitive. Its value could be either spam or virus in lowercase. If the user is opting for both, then he would have two such attributes, one containing spam, one containing virus.

Default: none 


Specifies an attribute containing a string value of either “Yes” or “No”. “Yes” means a head of household sieve is to be applied to this entry, “No” means no such sieve is to be applied. 


If set, overrides the MTA's use of the local.ugldapbindcred configutil parameter in accessing the LDAP directory server.


The alias processing machinery keeps track of any personal name information specified in the attribute named by the LDAP_PERSONAL_NAME MTA option and will use this information in constructing From: fields for any MDNs or vacation replies that are generated. No default.

Use with caution to avoid exposing personal information. 

LDAP_PORT (Integer)

Specifies the port to which to connect when performing LDAP queries. The default value is 389, the standard LDAP port number.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the text to be added to the beginning of the message text. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpMsgPrefixText corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies a URL that can be resolved to return presence information about the user. If the option is specified and the attribute is present, its value is saved for possible use in conjunction with sieve presence tests. The domain level attribute set by the LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_PRESENCE MTA option is used as source for this URL if no value exists for the user entry.


Overrides the LDAP attribute to use to specify the primary address typically stored in the mail attribute.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify one or more programs used for program delivery. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailProgramDeliveryInfo corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the name of an LDAP attribute used to store a sending-user-specific maximum number of envelope recipients (additional recipients are rejected). This is a per-user/group analogue of the recipientlimit channel keyword, or the LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_RECIPIENTLIMIT domain level attribute.


The LDAP attribute to specify a sending-user-specific maximum number of envelope recipients that a message can contain from a specific sender. Additional recipients are rejected. This attribute is added to a user’s entry. This is a per-user analogue of the recipientlimit channel keyword.

No default. 


Specifies the name of an LDAP attribute used to store a sending-user-specific maximum number of envelope recipients (messages with more recipients are rejected entirely). This is a per user/group analogue of the recipientcutoff channel keyword, or the LDAP_DOMAIN_ATTR_RECIPIENTCUTOFF domain level attribute.

No default. 


Single-valued attribute that controls what happens if any of the subsequent access checks fail. Only one value is defined: TOMODERATOR, which if set instructs the MTA to redirect any access failures to the moderator specified by the mgrpModerator attribute. The default (and any other value of this attribute) causes an error to be reported and the message rejected.

Default: mgrpMsgRejectAction


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify text to return if any of the authentication attributes cause the message to be rejected. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailRejectText corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify a header field that is to be removed from the message header if it is present. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpRemoveHeader corresponds to the standard schema.


Specifies the attribute used for deferred mail processing. 

Default: mailDeferProcessing


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to determine whether or not the address should be acted on at this time or forwarded to another system. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mailRoutingAddress corresponds to the standard schema.


If set to value 2, this enables support for Sun ONE LDAP Schema, v2.


Can be used to override the setting of the local.imta.schematag configutil parameter specifically for the MTA.


Specifies user-level LDAP attribute for conversion tags associated with the source address. No default. 


The LDAP attribute to specify the maximum number of blocks allowed in a user’s message. The MTA rejects messages containing more blocks than this from a user. An MTA block is normally 1024 bytes, but this can be changed with the BLOCK_SIZE option in the MTA option file. This is a user analog to the sourceblocklimit keyword and has no default.


Spare slot for additional attributes to be used to build customized address expansion facilities. No default. 


Spare slot for additional attributes to be used to build customized address expansion facilities. No default. 


Spare slot for additional attributes to be used to build customized address expansion facilities. No default. 


Spare slot for additional attributes to be used to build customized address expansion facilities. No default. 


Spare slot for additional attributes to be used to build customized address expansion facilities. No default. 


Specifies the vacation start date attribute. 

Default: vacationStartDate


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to specify the text to append to the text message. Typically, this option is not set because the default value mgrpMsgSuffixText corresponds to the standard schema.


Controls the length of time to wait (in hundredths of seconds) before timing out on an LDAP query. The default value is 180000.


Object class settings are used to construct an actual LDAP search filter that can be used to check to see that an entry has the right object classes for a user or a group. This filter is accessible through the $K metacharacter. It is also stored internally in the MTA's configuration for use by channel programs and is written to the MTA option file, option.dat, as the LDAP_UG_FILTER option when the command imsimta cnbuild -option is used. This option is only written to the file. The MTA never reads it from the option file.


Specifies the LDAP attribute to use to identify the entry’s userid. Typically, this option is not set because the default value uid corresponds to the standard schema. Identifies the entry's userid.


Controls the use of asynchronous LDAP lookups. This option is a bit-encoded value. Each bit, if set, enables the use of asynchronous LDAP lookups in conjunction with a specific use of LDAP within the MTA. This value is a decimal integer representing a bit-encoded integer, the interpretation of which is given in Table 4–20.

Default: 0 (asynchronous LDAP looks are disabled)


If set, overrides the MTA’s use of the local.ugldapbinddn configutil parameter in accessing the LDAP directory server.


Controls mail-specific user status attributes. 


Specifies different sets of object classes for users. 


If set, overrides the MTA’s use of the local.ugldapbasedn configutil parameter.


Used to select alternate general status attributes for users. 

LINE_LIMIT (Integer)

Places an absolute limit on the overall number of lines in any message that may be sent or received with the MTA. Any message exceeding this limit is rejected. By default, the MTA imposes no line-count limits.The linelimit channel keyword can be used to impose limits on a per channel basis.


Controls how many lines of message content the MTA includes when generating a notification message for which it is appropriate to return on a sample of the contents. Setting the LINES_TO_RETURN option to 0 disables partial content return. Only the headers of the message part are returned. The default is 20.


The LOG_CONNECTION option controls whether or not connection information, for example, the domain name of the SMTP client sending the message, is saved in mail.log file entries and the writing of connection records when the logging channel keyword is enabled for the channel. This value is a decimal integer representing a bit-encoded integer, the interpretation of which is given below:

Bit-0 Value-1: When set, includes source system information in mail.log E, D, R, and J entries, as well as transport information in Reporting-MTA fields of DSNs.

Bit-1 Value-2: When set, connection open, close, and fail records are logged by message enqueue and dequeue agents such as the SMTP clients and servers. 

Bit-2 Value-4: When set, I records are logged recording ETRN events. 

Bit 3 Value-8: When set, includes transport information in Reporting-MTA fields of DSNs. 

Bit 4 Value 16: When set, allows PORT_ACCESS to add text to an application information string. 

Bit 5 Value 32: When set, includes transport information string in mail.log entries.This will always include a source IP address for incoming TCP/IP connections. 

Bit 6 Value 64: When set, includes application information string in mail.log entries. 

Bit 7 Value 128: When set, generates a U record type which logs SMTP authentication successes and failures. A diagnostic field will record the result of the authentication attempt and the username will be logged in the username field if it is known. 

Where Bit 0 is the least significant bit. 


Sends MTA connection log file entries to syslog (UNIX) or event log (Windows NT). 0 is the default and indicates that syslog (event log) logging is not performed. A value of 1 indicates that syslog logging is performed.


Controls whether message Sensitivity: header values are included in log entries. A value of 1 enables such logging. The default value of 0 disables such logging. If logging is enabled, the sensitivity value is logged in an integer representation after the connection information and before the transport information.


Specifies the bins for delivery delay range counters. The parameters for this options should be a comma-separated list of up to five integers. The default values are 60, 600, 6000, 60000, 600000.


Controls whether or not envelope IDs are logged. If envelope IDs are logged, they appear just before the message IDs in the log. 

The value of this option defaults to 0, which prevents envelope IDs from being logged.


Controls whether the names of the files in which messages are stored are saved in the mail.log file. A value of 1 enables file name logging. A value of 0 (the default) disables it.

LOG_FILTER (0 or 1)

Specifies whether or not the list of active filters enclosed by single quotes are written into enqueue records in the log file just prior to the diagnostics field. The default is 0 (do not write lists into enqueue records).

LOG_FORMAT (1, 2, or 3)

Controls formatting options for the mail.log file. A value of 1 (the default) is the standard format. A value of 2 requests non-null formatting: empty address fields are converted to the string “<>.” A value of 3 requests counted formatting: all variable length fields are preceded by N, where N is a count of the number of characters in the field.


Specifies the limit of “frustration counts.” In a process, if repeated retries of writing a counter fails, the “frustration count” is incremented. Once the count reaches this limit, that process stops attempting to write counters. 

LOG_HEADER (0 or 1)

Controls whether the MTA writes message headers to the mail.log file. A value of 1 enables message header logging. The specific headers written to the log file are controlled by a site-supplied log_header.opt file. The format of this file is that of other MTA header option files. For example, a log_header.opt file containing the following would result in writing the first To and the first From header per message to the log file. A value of 0 (the default) disables message header logging:



Defaults: MAXIMUM=-1


Enables the system to log the address initially presented in the RCPT TO as well as the intermediate address generated during alias expansion. If Bit 0 is set (value 1) the intermediate address will be logged. If Bit 1 (value 2) is set, the initially presented address is logged. If logged, this information appears immediately before filter information in the log record, with the intermediate address coming first if both are logged. 

LOG_LOCAL (0 or 1)

Controls whether the domain name for the local host is appended to logged addresses that don't already contain a domain name. A value of 1 enables this feature, which is useful when logs from multiple systems running the MTA are concatenated and processed. A value of 0, the default, disables this feature.


Controls whether message IDs are saved in the mail.log file. A value of 1 enables message ID logging. A value of 0 (the default) disables it.


Sends MTA message log file entries to syslog (UNIX) or event log (Windows NT). 0 is the default and indicates that syslog (event log) logging is not performed. A value of 1 indicates that syslog logging is performed.

LOG_PROCESS (0 or 1)

Includes the enqueuing process ID in the MTA’s log entries. 

LOG_SNDOPR (0 or 1)

Controls the production of syslog messages by the MTA message logging facility. 


Specifies the bin sizes for message size range counters. The value is a comma-separated list of up to five integers. The default values are 2, 10, 50, 100, 500.


The LOG_USERNAME option controls whether or not the username associated with a process that enqueues mail is saved in the mail.log file. Note that messages submitted via SMTP with authentication (SMTP AUTH) will be considered to be owned by the username that authenticated, prefixed with the asterisk, *, character. A value of 1 enables username logging. When username logging is enabled, the username will be logged after the final form envelope To: address field in log entries---and after the message ID, if LOG_MESSAGE_ID=1 is also enabled. A value of 0 (the default) disables username logging.

MAIL_OFF (String)

Specifies the comment string that disables mail delivery for list addresses. The default is NOMAIL.


(Integer > 0) 

Specifies the size of the mapping table name table, and thus the total number of mapping table cannot exceed this number. The default is 32.


Controls the degree of indirection allowed in aliases; that is, how deeply aliases may be nested, with one alias referring to another alias, and so forth. The default value is 10.


Specifies the maximum number of files that may be specified by a mailbox filter’s fileinto operator.

Default: 10


Specifies the maximum number of forwarding addresses that may be specified by a mailbox filter’s forward operator. 

Default: 10


(Real Number Between 0 and 1) 

Controls what fraction of the available message blocks can be used by message headers. 


(Real Number Between0 and 1) 

Controls what fraction of the available message lines can be used by message headers. 


Specifies how large (in MTA blocks) a message the MTA keeps entirely in memory; messages larger than this size is written to temporary files. The default is 30. For systems with lots of memory, increasing this value may provide a performance improvement.


As the MTA processes a message, it scans any Received: header lines attached to the message looking for references to the official local host name. (Any Received line that the MTA inserts contains this name.) If the number of Received lines containing this name exceeds the MAX_LOCAL_RECEIVED_LINES value, the message is entered in the MTA queue in a held state. The default for this value is 10 if no value is specified in the option file. This check blocks certain kinds of message forwarding loops. The message must be manually moved from the held state for processing to continue.


Specify the maximum depth to which the MTA should process MIME messages. The default is 100, which means that the MTA processes up to 100 levels of message nesting.


Specify the maximum number of MIME parts that the MTA should process in a MIME message. 


As the MTA processes a message, it counts the number of MR_Received: header lines in the message’s header. If the number of MR-Received: lines exceeds the MAX_MR_RECEIVED_LINES value, the message is entered into the MTA queue in a held state. The default value for this option is 20 if no value is specified in the Option File. This check blocks certain kinds of message forwarding loops. The message must be manually moved from the held state for processing to continue.


As the MTA processes a message, it counts the number of Received: header lines in the message's header. If the number of Received lines exceeds the MAX_RECEIVED_LINES value, the message is entered in the MTA queue in a held state. The default for this value is 50 if no value is specified in the option file. This check blocks certain kinds of message forwarding loops. The message must be manually moved from the held state for processing to continue.


Configures the text string returned by the MTA. The value must conform to the requirements of SMTP error response text. In particular, it is constrained to be in the US-ASCII character set. The MTA will convert any eight bit characters in such option values into the dollar character ($).

Default: recipients not specified 


Legalizes messages that lack any recipient headers. If set to 1, the MTA does nothing about illegal headers that do not contain a To:, Cc:, or Bcc: field. If set to 0, the MTA adds a To: field to the headers to make them legal.

Default: 0


Controls the number of strings that can appear in a list construct in MTA sieve scripts. The default is 64.


As the MTA processes a message, it counts the number of Received:, MR-Received:, and X400-Received: header lines in the message’s header. If the number of all such header lines exceeds the MAX_TOTAL_RECEIVED_LINES value, the message is entered into the MTA queue in a held state. The default value is 100 if no value is specified in the option file. This check blocks certain kinds of message forwarding loops. The message must be manually moved from the held state for processing to continue.

MAX_URLS (Integer)

Specifies the URL to query for address reversal. Standard LDAP URL syntax is used, except omitting the LDAP server and port which are instead specified via the LDAP_HOST and LDAP_PORT options.


As the MTA processes a message, it counts the number of X400-Received: header lines in the message’s header. If the number of Received: lines exceeds the MAX_X400_RECEIVED_LINES value, the message is entered into the MTA queue in a held state. The default value for this option is 50 if no value is specified in the Option File. This check blocks certain kinds of message forwarding loops. The message must be manually moved from the held state for processing to continue.


Used to instruct the MTA to downgrade the priority of messages based on size: messages above the specified size is downgraded to non-urgent priority. This priority, in turn, affects the processing priority of the message—how quickly the Job Controller processes the message. 


Used to instruct the MTA to downgrade the priority of messages based on size: Messages above the specified size is downgraded to lower than nonurgent priority. The value is interpreted in terms of MTA blocks, as specified by the BLOCK_SIZE option. Note also that the nonurgentblocklimit channel keyword may be used to impose such downgrade thresholds on a per channel basis.

NOTARY_DECODE (-1, 0, or 1)

Specifies the decoding condition of encoded words. If set to 1, NOTARY_DECODE causes the subset of the original message headers that are added to the first part of a DSN by the %H substitution to be decoded and converted to match the charset of the first part. A value of 0 decodes the subset of encoded words in the header that matches the charset of the first part; no charset conversion is performed. A value of -1 disables decoding of encoded words unconditionally.

Caution should be used with a setting of 1, as information loss can occur and confusion can result when a rich charset like UTF-8 is converted to a limited charset like ISO-8859-1 or US-ASCII.

The default is 0.


Controls how the spam filtering optin list is carried from one user/alias entry to another when forwarding occurs. This is a bit-encoded value; the interpretation is as follows: 

Bit-0 Value-1: When set, each LDAP user entry overrides any previously active user/domain optins unconditionally. 

Bit-1 Value-2: When set, it overrides any previous user, domain, or alias optins that were active if a user’s domain has an optin attribute. 

Bit-2 Value-4: When set, it overrides any previous user, domain, or alias optins that were active, if a user has an optin attribute. 

Bit-3 Value-8: When set, an optin specified by an (optin) nonpositional parameter overrides any previous user, domain, or alias optins that were active. 

The value of this option defaults to 0. Optins will accumulate if one user has a delivery option that forwards to another user. The default ensures that site security policies will be effective when forwarding mail.

OR_CLAUSES (0 or 1)

Specifies mailing list access controls are OR’ed by default, instead of AND’ed. 

POST_DEBUG (0 or 1)

Specifies whether or not debugging output is produced by the MTA’s periodic delivery job. If enabled with a value of 1, this output is produced in the post.log file. The default value of 0 disables this output.


Sets the domain name to use when constructing Received headers. By default, the official host name of the local channel is used.


Sets the Sun Java System Messaging Server version string that is to be used when constructing Received: header lines. By default, the string “(Sun Java System Messaging Server version-info)” is used; use of the default is strongly recommended. Note that this option is a complement to the (also not recommended) CUSTOM_VERSION_STRING TCP/IP SMTP channel option.

In the above description, note the mention of constructing a Received: header line; that is, this option does not change already present Received: header lines, but rather only affects what is used when generating a new Received: header line. Also note that this option is option and the CUSTOM_VERSION_STRING option should not be used.

A non-ASCII string could be specified, but the MTA would then have to MIME encode the non-ASCII characters. Since user agent handling of MIME encoded header lines is not always useful, specifying a non-ASCII value would be inadvisable. So while the value is not strictly limited to being an ASCII string, it is not recommended to use anything other than ASCII. 


Sets the return address for the local postmaster. The local postmaster's address is postmaster@localhost by default, but it can be overridden with the address of your choice. Care should be taken in the selection of this address—an illegal selection may cause rapid message looping and pileups of huge numbers of spurious error messages.


Enables or disables debugging output in the nightly message bouncer batch job. A value of 0 disables this output (the default), while a value of 1 enables it. Debugging output, if enabled, appears in the output log file, if such a log file is present. The presence of an output log file is controlled by the crontab entry for the return job.


(0 or 1) 

Controls whether or not a history of delivery attempts is included in returned messages. The delivery history provides some indication of how many delivery attempts were made and, in some cases, indicates the reason the delivery attempts failed. A value of 1 enables the inclusion of this information and is the default. A value of 0 disables return of delivery history information. The HISTORY_TO_RETURN option controls how much history information is actually returned.


Takes a single integer value, which is interpreted as a set of bit flags. Bit 0 (value = 1) controls whether return notifications generated by the MTA are written with a blank envelope address or with the address of the local postmaster. Setting the bit forces the use of the local postmaster address; clearing the bit forces the use of a blank addresses. Note that the use of blank address is mandated by RFC 1123. However, some systems do not handle blank-envelope-from-address properly and may require the use of this option. Bit 1 (value = 2) controls whether the MTA replaces all blank envelope addresses with the address of the local postmaster. Again, this is used to accommodate noncompliant systems that don't conform to RFC 821, RFC 822, or RFC 1123. Note that the returnenvelope channel keyword can be used to impose this sort of control on a per-channel basis.


Specifies the personal name to use when the MTA generates postmaster messages (for example, bounce messages). By default, the MTA uses the string, Internet Mail Delivery.


Controls the time units used by the message return system. A value of 0 selects units of days. A value of 1 selects units of hours. By default, units of days are used. Return job scheduling is controlled by the local.schedule.return_job configutil parameter.


Specifies the maximum size of the address reversal cache. 

Default: 100000


Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for entries in the address reversal cache. 

Default: 600


Controls whether the MTA applies the address reversal to envelope From addresses as well as header addresses. This option has no effect if the USE_REVERSE_DATABASE option is set to 0 or if the reverse database and reverse mapping does not exist. The default is 1, which means that the MTA attempts to apply the database to envelope From addresses. A value of 0 disables this use of the address reversal database.


Specifies the URL to query for address reversal. Standard LDAP URL syntax is used, except omitting the LDAP server and port, which are instead specified using the LDAP_HOST and LDAP_PORT options.


Specifies (value set to 1) that the Messaging Server routes all addresses associated with the domain to the first host listed in the mailRoutingHosts attribute. A value of 0 indicates that a failure to match an existant mailRoutingHosts attribute against causes the domain to be treated as non-local; addresses are routed onward according to their rewrite rules. The default is 0.


(0 or 1) 

Controls whether the connection log information generated by setting LOG_CONNECTION =1 is stored in the usual the MTA message logging files, mail.log* or is stored separately in connection.log* files. The default (0) causes connection logging to be stored in the regular message log files; 1 causes the connection logging to be stored separately.


Controls how user sieves are combined when forwarding occurs. This is a bit-encoded value; the interpretation is as follows: 

Bit-0 Value-1: When set, user-to-user forwarding cancels the domain and user scripts associated with the original user entry. 

The value of this option defaults to 0.

Using this option is not recommended, because it prevents a user from filtering mail prior to it being forwarded. 


Sets the syslog level of syslog messages or the severity of the Windows NT event log entry. 

For syslog, this option corresponds to the priority argument of the syslog call. Both the facility and severity can be set by applying a logical OR operation to the desired values. On Solaris, see /usr/include/sys/syslog.h for a definition of valid values. Be sure to coordinate setting the SNDOPR_PRIORITY option with how syslog messages are handled, as controlled by the syslog.conf file.

The default for UNIX is 5; the default for Windows NT is 1.


Controls whether certain failures reported by the filtering library X are treated as a temporary processing failure or ignored. The default value of 0 specifies that spam filtering problems cause a temporary processing failure. Changing the value to 1 causes spam filter processing to be skipped in the event of some, but possibly not all, filtering library failures. In particular, if the system gets stuck without a return in the library code, some portion of the MTA may also get stuck. -2 and 2 can also be set. The are the same as 0 and 1 respectively except that they also cause a syslog message to be sent in the event of a problem reported by the spam filter plugin.

Default: 0


Defines filtering software X. 


Enforces strict Sieve compliance for location of require clauses. The default is 0.


(Integer <= 10,000,000) 

Controls the number of character slots allocated to the string pool used to hold rewrite rule templates and alias list members. A fatal error occurs if the total number of characters consumed by these parts of the configuration and alias files exceeds this limit. The default is 60,000; the maximum allowed value is 10,000,000.


Used to instruct the MTA to downgrade the priority of messages based on size: messages above the specified size are downgraded to normal priority. This priority, in turn, affects the Job Controller’s processing priority for processing the message. The value is interpreted in terms of the MTA blocks, as specified by the BLOCK_SIZE option. Note also that the urgentblocklimit channel keyword may be used to impose such downgrade thresholds on a per-channel basis.


Specifies the cache size of URL results from lookups done in rewrite rules and mappings. Default: 10000 entries


Specifies the timeout period for rewrite rules and mapping URL lookups. Default: 600 seconds


Controls whether the MTA uses the alias database as a source of system aliases for local addresses. The default (1), means that the MTA checks the database if it exists. A value of 0 disables this use of the alias database.


Controls the use of the domain database. The default (1) means that the MTA checks the database if it exists.


Control use of the forward database. 


Controls the bit encoded field. 


Controls whether or not certain errors returned by the MTA are marked as temporary or permanent. Each bit in this option corresponds to a specific error condition. When set, this option instructs the MTA to return a permanent error. The value is a decimal integer representing a bit-encoded integer, the interpretation of which is given in Table 4–18. The default value is 0.


Controls whether or not the MTA makes use of personal alias databases as a source of aliases for local addresses. The default is 1, which means that the MTA checks such databases, if they exist. A value of 0 disables personal aliases and makes them unavailable to all users.


Controls whether the MTA uses the address reversal database and REVERSE mapping as a source of substitution addresses. This value is a decimal integer representing a bit-encoded integer, the interpretation of which is given in Table 4–19.

Note that bit 0 is the least significant bit. 

The default value for USE_REVERSE_DATABASE is 5, which means that the MTA reverse envelope From addresses and both backward and forward pointing addresses after they have passed through the normal address rewriting process. Simple address strings are presented to both REVERSE mapping and the reverse database. A value of 0 disables the use of the address reversal completely.


Stores information that previously would have gone in the general, forward, and reverse databases in the compiled configuration. This option is bit encoded. If bit 0 (value 1) is set, the file IMTA_TABLE:general.txt is read as the MTA configuration is initialized and the information from that file replaces all uses of the general database. If bit 1 (value 2) is set, the file IMTA_TABLE:reverse.txt is read and used instead of the reverse database.If bit 2 (value 4) is set, the file IMTA_TABLE:forward.txt is read and used instead of the forward database. The default value for this option is 0, which disables all use of text databases. Note that use of the text database option means that changes to the underlying files will only be seen after issuing the imsimta cnbuild, and in the case of running processes, after restarting those processes.

WILD_POOL_SIZE (integer)

Controls the total number of patterns that appear throughout mapping tables. the default is 8000. The maximum allowed is 200,000.

Table 4–17 DOMAIN_UPLEVEL Bit Values




If clear, only look up the domain that is actually specified in an address. If set, look up not only that domain but every superior domain. For example, if the bit is clear and the domain is, only is looked up. If the bit is set will be looked up, if that fails, and if that fails com.

Controls how filters are constructed for address searches in the directory. If the bit is clear, only the originally supplied address is searched for. If it is set, both the original supplied address and an address built using the domain that was found in the directory are searched for. 

Controls which domain is used in checks against service.defaultdomain to determine whether or not the domain is the default domain or a hosted domain. If the bit is set, the domain extracted from the address that matched a domain entry is used. If the bit is clear the canonical domain from the domain entry that matched is used.

Checks the address with an upleveled/canonicalized domain name against the mailEqvuialentAddress during address reversal. A match disables rewriting the address to the value of the mail attribute.

Table 4–18 USE_PERMANENT_ERROR Bit Values




Mailbox is temporarily disabled (inactive). 

Group is temporarily disabled (inactive). 

User is over quota; cannot receive new mail. 

Various alias expansion errors. 


too many recipients specified 

Table 4–19 U SE_REVERSE_DATABASE Bit Values




When set, address reversal is applied to addresses after they have been rewritten by the MTA address rewriting process. 

When set, address reversal is applied before addresses have had the MTA address rewriting applied to them. 

When set, address reversal is applied to all addresses, not just to backward pointing addresses. 

When set, channel-level granularity is used with REVERSE mapping. REVERSE mapping table (pattern) entries must have the form (note the vertical bars [|]).



When set, channel-level granularity is used with address reversal database entries. Reversal database entries must have the form (note the vertical bars [|]).


Table 4–20 LDAP_USE_ASYNC Bit Values



Specific Use of LDAP  

LDAP_GROUP_URL1 (mgrpDeliverTo) URLs


LDAP_GROUP_DN (UniqueMember) DNs

auth_list, moderator_list, sasl_auth_list, and sasl_moderator_list nonpositional list parameter URLs


cant_list, sasl_cant_list nonpositional list parameter URLs


originator_reply nonpositional list parameter URLs


deferred_list, direct_list, hold_list, nohold_list nonpositional list parameter URLs


username_auth_list, username_moderator_list, username_cant_list nonpositional list parameter URLs


alias file list URLs 


alias database list URLs 



LDAP_CANT_URL (mgrpDisallowedBroadcaster) outer level URLs



LDAP_CANT_URL inner level URLs



LDAP_AUTH_URL (mgrpAllowedBroadcaster) outer level URLs



LDAP_AUTH_URL inner level URLs

