Sun Java System Messaging Server 6 2005Q4 MTA Developer's Reference


Initiate message dequeue processing.


int mtaDequeueStart(void                     *ctx1,
                    mta_dq_process_message_t *process_message,
                    mta_dq_process_done_t    *process_done,
                    int                       item_code, ...);





Optional pointer to a caller-supplied context or other data type. This pointer will be passed as the ctx1 argument to the caller-supplied routines process_message and process_done. A value of NULL may be passed for this argument.


The address of a caller-supplied routine to process each message. 


Optional address of a caller-supplied clean up routine. A NULL value may be passed for this argument. 


An optional list of item codes. See the description section that follow for a list of item codes. The list must be terminated with an integer argument with value 0.


The mtaDequeueStart() routine initiates processing of messages queued to a specific channel. By default, the channel serviced will be determined from the PMDF_CHANNEL environment variable. However, a channel name can be explicitly specified with the MTA_CHANNEL item code.

All of the item codes, their additional arguments, and a description of each are included in the table that follows.

Item Codes  

Additional Arguments  



const char *channel

size_t channel_len

Explicitly specify the name of the channel name to perform dequeue processing for. This item code must be followed by two additional call arguments: the name of the channel and the length in bytes of that channel name. If a value of zero is passed for the length, then the channel name must be NULL terminated. 

When this item code is not specified, the name of the channel to process queued messages for is taken from the PMDF_CHANNEL environment variable.


mta_item_list_t *item_list

Specify a pointer to an item list array. The item list array must be terminated with a final array entry with an item code value of zero. For further information on item list usage, see Item Codes and Item Lists.


size_t attempts

Specify the maximum number of contiguous attempts that will be made to sleep and then re-query the Job Controller for work after being told by the Job Controller that there are no more messages to process. The default value for this setting is 5 attempts. If an attempt succeeds in providing additional work, the count of attempts is reset to zero. (The duration of each sleep may be specified with the MTA_JBC_RETRY_INTERVAL item code.)

This item code must be followed by an additional argument: the maximum number of contiguous attempts to make. 


size_t seconds

Set the number of seconds mtaDequeueMessage() sleeps before again querying the Job Controller for additional work. When not specified, a value of 10 seconds is used. This item code must be followed by one additional argument: the number of seconds to sleep for.


size_t threads

Specify the maximum number of processing threads to run concurrently. If not specified, then a limit of 20 threads is assumed.

This item code must be followed by one additional argument: the maximum number of concurrent threads to permit. 


size_t bytes

By default, the processing threads will have a stack whose size is sufficient for MTA SDK operations. This is the size returned by the mtaStackSize() routine. To request a larger size, use this item code to specify the desired size. Note that specification of a smaller size is ignored: mtaDequeueMessage() will never use a stack size smaller than that returned by mtaStackSize().

This item code must be followed by one additional argument: the minimum size in bytes for each thread’s stack. 


size_t messages

The number of messages to allocate per processing thread. The channel program will aim to run N processing threads where N is computed as follows: N = (count of pending queued messages) / MTA_THREAD_MAX_MESSAGES. For example, if there are 100 queued messages and MTA_THREAD_MAX_MESSAGES has its default value of 20 messages, then 5 processing threads are started.

This value does not control the total number of messages presented to a single processing thread. 

This item code must be followed by one additional argument: the number of messages for each processing thread. 


size_t seconds

Once mtaDequeueMessage() determines that there are no more messages to process, it waits for all processing threads to complete their work and exit. By default, mtaDequeueMessage() will wait no longer than 1800 seconds (30 minutes).

This item code must be followed by one additional argument: the maximum number of seconds to wait. 

Return Values

Return Values  



Normal, successful completion. 


This value is returned for one of following reasons: 

  1. A NULL value was supplied for the dq_ctx call argument.

  2. An invalid dequeue context was supplied for dq_ctx.

  3. A NULL value was specified for the process_message routine.

  4. A NULL value was supplied for a required item code argument.


Unable to initialize the MTA SDK. Unable to read one or more configuration files. 

For further information, issue the following command: 

imsimta test -rewrite


Error communicating with the Job Controller. 


Unable to initialize the MTA SDK. 

For further information, issue the following command: 

imsimta test -rewrite


Insufficient virtual memory. 


Specified channel is not defined in the MTA configuration file. If no channel was explicitly specified, then the channel name specified with the PMDF_CHANNEL environment variable is not defined in the MTA configuration file. This error may also be returned when the Job Controller’s configuration file lacks a CHANNEL section matching the specified channel.


An invalid item code was specified. 


For an example of mtaDequeueStart(), see Example 5–2