Sun Java System Communications Express 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureConfiguring Communications Express

  1. The Welcome panel.

    The first panel in the configure program is a copyright page. Select Next to continue or Cancel to exit.

  2. The Select the Directory to Store Configuration and Data Files panel appears.

    Select the directory in which the configuration and data files for Communications Express should be deployed. For example, /var/opt/SUNWuwc.

    This directory is referred as uwc-deployed-path throughout this guide.

    Click Next.

  3. The Select Components to be Configured panel appears.

    Select the components you want to configure and unselect those components you do not wish to configure.

    • Mail Component

    • Calendar Component

    Note –

    You have to select atleast one component from the Select Components to be Configured panel.

    Although the component size is displayed as zero, the Mail and Calendar components are installed.

    Click Next.

  4. The Network Connection panel appears.

    The configuration program tries to establish network connection using the host name and DNS domain name displayed in this panel.

    Host Name. The host name on which Communication Express is being configured is displayed.

    DNS Domain Name. Displays the DNS domain name maintained by the DNS Server.

    Click Next.

  5. The Select a Web Container panel appears.

    Select the web container you want to use from the options displayed. The options available are:

    • Web Server. For Web Server panel details, see Configuring Communications Express.

      Web Server

      If you have selected Web Server to be your web container, the following panels appear:

      • The Web Server Configuration Details panel.

        Specify the local Web Server instance details. The web server details specified here is used by the installer to deploy Communications Express on Web Server.

        Server Root Directory. Browse to select the installation root of the Web Server. Default location is, /opt/SUNWwbsvr/

        Server Instance Identifier. Enter the Web Server Instance on which Communications Express is to be deployed. For example,

        Virtual Server Identifier. Enter the virtual server identifier on which Communications Express is to be deployed. For example,

        HTTP Port. Enter the HTTP port number Web Server listens to. This is the HTTP port from which Communications Express is accessed.

        Note –

        If you want to configure a secure HTTP port number, specify it after configuring Communications Express. To configure a secure port number refer to the post configuration steps provided in the section, Configuring Secure Socket Layer (SSL) in Chapter 3 of this guide.

        Click Next.

        You will see a small pop-up window indicating that the Web Server Instance is being verified. This may take a few minutes.

        An Error message is displayed if the configure tool is unable to connect to the Web Server Instance. Click Accept, to continue with the installation process, or click Choose New, to specify different Web Server configuration details.

      • The Web Container User and Group panel.

        Specifies the identity, the web container uses to run the services.

        Web Container User ID. The web container user identifier from the user database is displayed.

        Web Container Group ID. The web container group identifier from the group database is displayed.

        Click Next.

        The configurator program installs some files and directories containing sensitive data, such as passwords. The ownership of these files and directories are given to web container user and group mentioned in this panel. Only the web container user is given read and write permissions to the files and directories containing sensitive data.

        Note –

        Ensure you enter the correct web container User ID and Group ID values in this panel. Entering wrong values may result in startup failure of the Communications Express.

        Go to Configuring Communications Express after you have configured the Web Server as your web container.

    • Application Server. For Application Server panel details, see Configuring Communications Express.

      Application Server

      If you have selected Application Server to be your web container, the following panels appear:

      • The Application Server Configuration Details panel.

        In the Application Server Configuration Details panel, specify the following details:

        Install Directory. Browse to select the local directory in which Application Server is installed.

        Domain Directory. Browse to select the domain directory of the Application Server.

        Document Root Directory. Browse to select the document root directory of the Application Server.

        Server Target Name. Enter a name for the Application Server target, for which Communications Express is to be configured. The Communications Express Configurator supports only the Domain Administration Server (DAS) deployment for Application Server 8.1.

        Virtual Server Identifier. Enter the virtual server identifier for which Communications Express is to be configured.

        Server Instance HTTP Port. Enter the Application Server port number where an HTTP service is available. This is the HTTP port from which Communications Express application will be accessed.

        Click Next.

        Note –

        Specify the HTTP Port number here. If you want to configure a secure HTTP port number, specify it after configuring Communications Express. To configure a secure port number, refer to the post configuration steps provided in the section Configuring Secure Socket Layer (SSL) guide.

        You will see a small pop-up window indicating that the Application Server Instance is being verified. This may take a few minutes.

        An Error message is displayed if the configure tool is unable to connect to the Application Server Instance. Click Accept, to continue with the installation process, or click Choose New, to specify the Application Server Configuration Details again.

      • The Application Server Administration Instance Details panel.

        Specify the administration instance details of the Application Server. The administration instance details is used by the configurator to deploy Communications Express on Application Server.

        Administration Server Port. Enter the Administration Server port number.

        Note –

        The administration port of the Application Server must be available for configuring Communications Express on Application Server.

        Administrator User ID. Enter the administrator’s user identifier.

        Administrator Password. Enter the administrator’s user password.

        Secure Administration Server Instance. Select this check box, to specify that the Application Server’s administration instance is running in the secure mode.

        Deselect the checkbox, to specify that the Application Server’s administration instance is running in the normal mode.

        Click Next.

        Depending on the selection, a pop-up window confirming the mode in which the Application Server’s administration instance is running, appears. Click OK to exit the pop-up window.

        Note –

        When deploying Communications Express on Application Server, two files, server.xml and server.policy,are modified.

        Before modifying server.xml and server.policy files, a backup of these files is maintained by the configurator program. The backup files are stored in the directory



        DOMAIN-DIRECTORY is Application Server’s Domain Directory.

        SERVER-INSTANCE-NAME is the Application Server Instance Name for which Communications Express is being configured.

        YYYYMMDDhhmmss is the time stamp of the backup directory.

      • The Module Name for this Web Application panel.

        Enter the module name with which Communications Express should be deployed on Application Server.

        Click Next.

        Go to Configuring Communications Express after you have configured the Application Server as your web container.

    Click Next.

  6. The URI Path Setting panel appears.

    Enter the URI where Communications Express should be deployed. For example, /uwc.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you are using an existing URI to deploy Communications Express, the configuration tool first removes any previous application data before deploying Communications Express on that URI. For example, if you are deploying Communications Express on a URI such as /uwc that has a web application deployed in it, Communications Express configurator first removes the existing web-application from /uwc before deploying Communications Express. This could result in the loss of the previous application’s data and accessibility of the application.

    Click Next.

  7. The Do you want Hosted Domain Support? panel appears.

    Select the option to enable hosted domain support for Communications Express. Select this option only if you have enabled hosted domain support in Calendar Server.

    Click Next.

  8. The User/Group Directory (LDAP) Server Details panel appears.

    Enter the following details:

    LdapURL. Specify the user/group LDAP URL in the format ldap:// UG-LDAP-HOST:UG-LDAP-PORT.

    Bind DN. Enter the LDAP distinguished name of the User/Group administrator.

    Bind Password. Enter the bind password for User/Group administrator.

    Click Next.

  9. The DC Tree Suffix panel appears.

    Enter the base distinguished name for the DC tree suffix. This suffix will be used by the Communications Express to search for domain lookup.

    Click Next.

  10. The Default Domain Name panel appears.

    Enter the default domain name.

    Each domain has certain properties. When a user logs into a domain that does not have the required properties, the properties are picked up from the default domain name.

  11. The Enable Access Manager for Single Sign-on panel appears.

    To setup single sign-on with Access Manager, select Enable Identity Support for Sun Java System Communications Express.

    Only if you have enabled Identity Support for Sun Java System Communications Express, the Access Manager Preferences panel is displayed.

    Enter the Access Manager Preferences such as the login URL, Access Manager Administrator DN and Password in this panel.

    Login URL. Specify the Access Manager Login URL in the format protocol://Access Manager hostname:Access Manager port/context -path-of-amserver/UI/Login .

    Admin DN. Enter the complete LDAP DN (distinguished name) of the Access Manager Administrator, such as, DN=uid=amAdmin, ou=people, Access Manager- root suffix.

    Admin Password. Enter the Password for the Access Manager administrator.

    Click Next.

  12. The Messaging Express Port panel appears.

    This panel appears only when the mail component is selected in the Select Components to be Configured panel.

    Enter the port number where the Messenger Express service is available.

    Note –

    Ensure Communications Express is deployed on the same machine on which Messenger Express is deployed.

    Click Next.

  13. The Calendar Server Host and Port Configuration panel appears.

    This panel appears only when calendar component is selected in the Select Components to be Configured panel.

    Calendar Server Host Name . Enter the Calendar Server’s host name.

    Calendar Server HTTP Port Number. Enter the Calendar Server’s HTTP port number.

    Click Next.

  14. The Calendar Server Administration Details panel appears.

    This panel appears only when calendar component is selected in the Select Components to be Configured panel.

    Administrator User ID . Enter the Calendar Server’s administrator’s name. For example, calmaster.

    Administrator User Password. Enter the Calendar Server’s administrator’s password.

    Note –

    Ensure that the Calendar Admin User ID value you have entered here is the same as the service.admin.calmaster.userid value mentioned in Calendar Server’s ics.conf file.

    Click Next.

  15. The PAB Directory Server Details panel appears.

    The Personal Address Book LDAP Server is the store where users personal address books are located. Enter the following details in this panel:

    LDAP URL. Specify the LDAP host and port for the PAB Store. The url should be in the format: ldap://PAB-ldap-hostname:PAB-ldap-portnumber

    Bind DN. Enter the LDAP DN to be used to bind to the PAB Store. The Bind DN specified here should have appropriate privileges to manage the data under root suffix o=PiServerDB.

    Password. Enter the bind password.

    Click Next

  16. The Ready to Configure panel appears.

    The configuration program will check for enough disk space on your machine and then list the components it is ready to configure.

    Click Configure Now, to configure the Communications Express.

    Click Back, to change any of your configuration variables.

    Click Cancel, to exit from the configuration program.

  17. A summary of tasks and the sequence status is displayed.

    Click Next.

  18. The Configuration Summary panel lists the status of the configuration program. Click Details button to view the log.

  19. The Post Configuration Instructions panel appears only when the configuration is successful. This panel may display warning messages when the required shared components are not installed.

    In order to complete the configuration process, follow the post-configuration instructions provided here.