Sun Java System Communications Services 6 2005Q4 Delegated Administrator 指南


此發行版本的 Delegated Administrator 提供了每種類型的服務套裝軟體的服務類別定義:

配置 Delegated Administrator 時,會在目錄中安裝服務類別定義。

在每個定義中,daServiceType 屬性都使用以下語法確定服務套裝軟體的類型:

daServiceType: <service type> <target>

其中 service type 為郵件服務、行事曆服務,或二者,target 為使用者或群組。


使用者郵件服務在名為 standardUserMail 的服務類別定義中定義:

#  Definition for user mail service bundle 
dn: cn=standardUserMail,<ugldapbasedn>
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: extensibleObject
objectclass: cosSuperDefinition
objectclass: cosClassicDefinition
cosTemplateDn: o=cosTemplates,<ugldapbasedn>
cosSpecifier: inetCos
cosAttribute: mailAllowedServiceAccess
cosAttribute: mailMsgMaxBlocks
cosAttribute: mailquota
cosAttribute: mailmsgquota
daServiceType: mail user

NOTE: When the Delegated Administrator configuration program installs the
standardUserMail definition in the directory, the variable 
<ugldapbasedn>, shown above, is replaced by your root suffix 
(such as o=usergroup).

daServiceType 屬性將此定義為使用者的郵件服務。


使用者行事曆服務在名為 standardUserCalendar 的服務類別定義中定義:

#  Definition for user calendar service bundle 
dn: cn=standardUserCalendar,<ugldapbasedn>
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: extensibleObject
objectclass: cosSuperDefinition
objectclass: cosClassicDefinition
cosTemplateDn: o=cosTemplates,<ugldapbasedn>
cosSpecifier: inetCos
cosAttribute: icsPreferredHost
cosAttribute: icsDWPHost
cosAttribute: icsFirstDay
daServiceType: calendar user

NOTE: When the Delegated Administrator configuration program installs the
standardUserCalendar definition in the directory, the variable 
<ugldapbasedn>, shown above, is replaced by your root suffix 
(such as o=usergroup).

daServiceType 屬性將此定義為使用者的行事曆服務。

備註 –

請注意,行事曆服務定義還包含行事曆屬性,如 icsPreferredHost

但是,Delegated Administrator 未提供可為這些屬性指定值的服務套裝軟體範本。Delegated Administrator 主控台提供一個僅具有行事曆服務的服務套裝軟體:standardUserCalendar 服務套裝軟體。此套裝軟體不包含行事曆屬性。


使用者郵件服務和行事曆服務在名為 standardUserMailCalendar 的服務類別定義中定義:

#  Definition for user mail and user calendar service bundle 
dn: cn=standardUserMailCalendar,<ugldapbasedn>
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: extensibleObject
objectclass: cosSuperDefinition
objectclass: cosClassicDefinition
cosTemplateDn: o=cosTemplates,<ugldapbasedn>
cosSpecifier: inetCos
cosAttribute: icsPreferredHost
cosAttribute: icsDWPHost
cosAttribute: icsFirstDay
cosAttribute: icsQuota
cosAttribute: mailAllowedServiceAccess
cosAttribute: mailMsgMaxBlocks
cosAttribute: mailquota
cosAttribute: mailmsgquota
daServiceType: calendar user
daServiceType: mail user

NOTE: When the Delegated Administrator configuration program installs the
standardUserMailCalendar definition in the directory, the variable 
<ugldapbasedn>, shown above, is replaced by your root suffix 
(such as o=usergroup).

兩個 daServiceType 屬性項目將此定義為使用者的行事曆服務和郵件服務。


群組郵件服務在名為 standardGroupMail 的服務類別定義中定義:

#  Definition for group mail service bundle 
dn: cn=standardGroupMail,<ugldapbasedn>
changetype: add
objectclass: top
objectclass: LDAPsubentry
objectclass: extensibleObject
objectclass: cosSuperDefinition
objectclass: cosClassicDefinition
cosTemplateDn: o=cosTemplates,<ugldapbasedn>
cosSpecifier: inetCos
cosAttribute: mailMsgMaxBlocks
daServiceType: mail group

NOTE: When the Delegated Administrator configuration program installs the
standardGroupMail definition in the directory, the variable <ugldapbasedn>, 
shown above, is replaced by your root suffix (such as o=usergroup).

daServiceType 屬性將此定義為群組的郵件服務。