Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Add-On Component Development Guide

Administration Console Architecture

The Administration Console is a web application that is composed of OSGi bundles. These bundles provide all the features of the Administration Console, such as the Web Applications, Update Center, and Security content. To provide support for your add-on component, create your own OSGi bundle that implements the parts of the user interface that you need. Place your bundle in the modules directory of your GlassFish Server installation, along with the other Administration Console bundles.

To learn how to package the Administration Console features for an add-on component, go to the modules directory of your GlassFish Server installation and examine the contents of the files named console-componentname-plugin.jar. Place the console-sample-ip project bundle in the same place to deploy it and examine the changes that it makes to the Administration Console.

The Administration Console includes a Console Add-On Component Service. The Console Add-On Component Service is an HK2 service that acts as a façade to all theAdministration Console add-on components. The Console Add-On Component Service queries the various console providers for integration points so that it can perform the actions needed for the integration (adding a tree node or a new tab, for example). The interface name for this service is org.glassfish.api.admingui.ConsolePluginService.

For details about the Hundred-Kilobyte Kernel (HK2) project, see Hundred-Kilobyte Kernel and HK2 Component Model.

Each add-on component must contain a console provider implementation. This is a Java class that implements the org.glassfish.api.admingui.ConsoleProvider interface and uses the HK2 @Service annotation. The console provider allows your add-on component to specify where your integration point configuration file is located. This configuration file communicates to the Console Add-On Component Service the customizations that your add-on component makes to the Administration Console.

Implementing a Console Provider

The org.glassfish.api.admingui.ConsoleProvider interface has one required method, getConfiguration. The getConfiguration method returns the location of the console-config.xml file as a If getConfiguration returns null, the default location, META-INF/admingui/console-config.xml, is used. The console-config.xml file is described in About Integration Points.

To implement the console provider for your add-on component, write a Java class that is similar to the following example.

Example 3–1 Example ConsoleProvider Implementation

This example shows a simple implementation of the ConsoleProvider interface:

package org.glassfish.admingui.plugin;

import org.glassfish.api.admingui.ConsoleProvider;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;


public class SamplePlugin implements ConsoleProvider {

    public URL getConfiguration() { return null; }

This implementation of getConfiguration returns null to specify that the configuration file is in the default location. If you place the file in a nonstandard location or give it a name other than console-config.xml, your implementation of getConfiguration must return the URL where the file can be found.

You can find this example code in the file project/src/main/java/org/glassfish/admingui/plugin/