Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Disable Monitoring

Use the disable-monitoring subcommand to disable the monitoring service itself, or to disable monitoring for individual modules. Monitoring is immediately stopped, without restarting GlassFish Server.

You can also use the set(1) subcommand to disable monitoring for a module. Using the set command is not a dynamic procedure, so you need to restart GlassFish Server for your changes to take effect.

  1. Determine which services and components currently are enabled for monitoring.

    asadmin get server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.*

    This example output shows that monitoring is enabled for web-container, http-service, and jvm:

  2. Disable monitoring for a service or module by using the disable-monitoring(1) subcommand.

    Server restart is not required.

Example 8–4 Disabling the Monitoring Service Dynamically

This example disables the monitoring service without changing the monitoring levels for individual modules.

asadmin> disable-monitoring
Command disable-monitoring executed successfully

Example 8–5 Disabling Monitoring for Modules Dynamically

This example disables monitoring for specific modules. Their monitoring levels are set to OFF.

asadmin> disable-monitoring --modules web-container,ejb-container
Command disable-monitoring executed successfully

Example 8–6 Disabling Monitoring by Using the set Subcommand

This example disables monitoring for the HTTP service (you must restart the server for changes to take effect).

asadmin> set server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.http-service=OFF
Command set executed successfully

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help disable-monitoring at the command line.