Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Listing Various System Elements

The following topics are addressed here:

ProcedureTo Display the GlassFish Server Version

Use the version subcommand in remote mode to display information about the GlassFish Server version for a particular server. If the subcommand cannot communicate with the server by using the specified login (user/password) and target (host/port) information, then the local version is displayed along with a warning message.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Display the version by using the version(1) subcommand.

Example 2–14 Displaying Version Information

This example displays the version of GlassFish Server on the local host.

asadmin> version
Version = Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 (build 19)
Command version executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help version at the command line.

ProcedureTo List Applications

Use the list-applications subcommand in remote mode to list the deployed Java applications. If the --type option is not specified, all applications are listed.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. List applications by using the list-applications(1) subcommand.

Example 2–15 Listing Applications

This example lists the web applications on localhost.

asadmin> list-applications --type web
hellojsp <web>
Command list-applications executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help list-applications at the command line.

ProcedureTo List Containers

Use the list-containers subcommand in remote mode to list application containers.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. List containers by using the list-containers(1) subcommand.

Example 2–16 Listing Containers

This example lists the containers on localhost.

asadmin> list-containers
List all known application containers
Container : grizzly
Container : ejb
Container : webservices
Container : ear
Container : appclient
Container : connector
Container : jpa
Container : web
Container : jruby
Container : security
Container : webbeans
Command list-containers executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help list-containers at the command line.

ProcedureTo List Modules

Use the list-modules subcommand in remote mode to list the modules that are accessible to the GlassFish Server module subsystem. The status of each module is included. Possible statuses include NEW and READY.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. List modules by using the list-modules(1) subcommand.

Example 2–17 Listing Modules

This example lists the accessible modules.

asadmin> list-modules

Information similar to the following is displayed (partial output):

List Of Modules
Module : org.glassfish.web.jstl-connector:10.0.0.b28
    Module Characteristics : List of Jars implementing the module
        Jar : file:/C:/Preview/v3_Preview_release/distributions/web/target/glass
    Module Characteristics : List of imported modules
    Module Characteristics : Provides to following services
Module : org.glassfish.admingui.console-common:10.0.0.b28
Module : org.glassfish.admin.launcher:10.0.0.b28
Module : org.glassfish.external.commons-codec-repackaged:10.0.0.b28
Module : com.sun.enterprise.tiger-types-osgi:0.3.32.Preview-b28
    Module Characteristics : List of imported modules
    Module Characteristics : Provides to following services
    Module Characteristics : List of Jars implementing the module
        Jar : file:/C:/Preview/v3_Preview_release/distributions/web/target/glass
Command list-modules executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help list-modules at the command line.

ProcedureTo List Subcommands

Use the list-commands subcommand in remote mode to list the deployed asadmin subcommands. You can specify that only remote subcommands or only local subcommands are listed. By default, this subcommand displays a list of local subcommands followed by a list of remote subcommands.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. List subcommands by using the list-commands(1) subcommand.

Example 2–18 Listing Subcommands

This example lists only local subcommands.

asadmin> list-commands --localonly
Command list-commands executed successfully.

See Also

You can also view the full syntax and options of the subcommand by typing asadmin help list-commands at the command line.

ProcedureTo List Timers

The timer service is a persistent and transactional notification service that is provided by the enterprise bean container and is used to schedule notifications or events used by enterprise beans. All enterprise beans except stateful session beans can receive notifications from the timer service. Persistent timers set by the service are not destroyed when the server is shut down or restarted.

Use the list-timers subcommand in remote mode to list the persistent timers owned by a specific server instance. You can use this information to decide whether to do a timer migration, or to verify that a migration has been completed successfully.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. List timers by using thelist-timers(1) subcommand.

Example 2–19 Listing Timers

This example lists the timers in a particular standalone server instance. There is one currently active timer set.

asadmin> list-timers server
The list-timers command was executed successfully.

ProcedureTo Show Component Status

Use the show-component-status subcommand in remote mode to get the status (either enabled or disabled) of the specified deployed component.

  1. Ensure that the server is running.

    Remote subcommands require a running server.

  2. Show component status by using the show-component-status(1) subcommand.

Example 2–20 Showing Status of a Component

This example shows the status of the MEjbApp component.

asadmin> show-component-status MEjbApp
Status of MEjbApp is enabled
Command show-component-status executed successfully.