The following asadmin subcommands are provided for monitoring the services and components of GlassFish Server:
The enable-monitoring, disable-monitoring, or the get and set subcommands are used to turn monitoring on or off. For instructions, see Configuring Monitoring.
The monitor --type subcommand is used to display basic data for a particular type of monitorable object. For instructions, see Viewing Common Monitoring Data.
The list --monitor subcommand is used to display the objects that can be monitored with the monitor subcommand. For guidelines and instructions, see Guidelines for Using the list and get Subcommands for Monitoring.
The get subcommand is used to display comprehensive data, such as the attributes and values for a dotted name. The get subcommand used with a wildcard parameter displays all available attributes for any monitorable object. For additional information, see Guidelines for Using the list and get Subcommands for Monitoring.