Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Run an asadmin Utility Subcommand in Single Mode

In single mode, you must type a separate asadmin command for each subcommand that you want to use. After the subcommand has run, you are returned to the operating system's command shell. Any asadmin utility options must be specified in each separate asadmin command that you run. If you require the same asadmin utility options for multiple subcommands, use the asadmin utility in multimode. For more information, see To Start a Multimode Session.

  1. In the operating system's command shell, run the asadmin utility, specifying the subcommand.

    If necessary, also specify any required asadmin utility options, subcommand options, and operands.

Example 2–1 Running an asadmin Utility Subcommand in Single Mode

This example runs the list-applications(1) subcommand in single mode. In this example, the default values for all options are used.

The example shows that the application hello is deployed on the local host.

asadmin list-applications
hello <web>
Command list-applications executed successfully.

Example 2–2 Specifying an asadmin Utility Option With a Subcommand in Single Mode

This example specifies the --host asadmin utility option with the list-applications subcommand in single mode. In this example, the DAS is running on the host

The example shows that the applications basic-ezcomp, scrumtoys, ejb31-war, and automatic-timer-ejb are deployed on the host

asadmin --host list-applications
basic-ezcomp <web>
scrumtoys <web>
ejb31-war <ejb, web>
automatic-timer-ejb <ejb>
Command list-applications executed successfully.

Example 2–3 Specifying an asadmin Utility Option and a Subcommand Option in Single Mode

This example specifies the --host asadmin utility option and the --type subcommand option with the list-applications subcommand in single mode. In this example, the DAS is running on the host and applications of type web are to be listed.

asadmin --host list-applications --type web
basic-ezcomp <web>
scrumtoys <web>
ejb31-war <ejb, web>
Command list-applications executed successfully.