The Oracle GlassFish Server provides server-specific Ant tasks, which are described in the following sections:
GlassFish Server is compatible with Apache Ant versions 1.6.5 or greater. If you don't have Ant installed, you can download it from the Update Tool. The Apache Ant Build Tool add-on component supplies Ant version 1.7.1. For more information about the Update Tool, see Update Tool in Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Administration Guide.
For more information about Ant, see the Apache Software Foundation web site at
For information about standard Ant tasks, see the Ant documentation at
Variables in the examples in this chapter, such as ${asinstalldir}, reference values defined in build.xml or properties files.
To set up your Ant environment for using GlassFish Server Ant tasks, you can either define the ANT_OPTS environment variable or define a target. In both these cases, you must also set the classpath to point to the sun-appserv-ant.jar file.
To define the ANT_OPTS environment variable on UNIX systems, use the following commands, where ${ASINSTALLDIR} is an environment variable defined to point to the GlassFish Server installation directory.
export ANT_OPTS="-Djava.library.path${ASINSTALLDIR}/modules" export CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH};${ASINSTALLDIR}/modules/sun-appserv-ant.jar
To define the ANT_OPTS environment variable on Windows systems, use the following commands, where %ASINSTALLDIR% is an environment variable defined to point to the GlassFish Server installation directory.
set ANT_OPTS="-Djava.library.path=%ASINSTALLDIR%\modules" set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%ASINSTALLDIR%\modules\sun-appserv-ant.jar
The following target element defines the GlassFish Server Ant tasks and references the sun-appserv-ant.jar file. You can include this target in your build.xml file. The ${asinstalldir} in the classpath element refers to the GlassFish Server installation directory.
<target name="as-ant-init"> <taskdef name="sun-appserv-deploy" classname="" /> <taskdef name="sun-appserv-undeploy" classname="" /> <taskdef name="sun-appserv-component" classname="" /> <taskdef name="sun-appserv-admin" classname="" /> <taskdef name="sun-appserv-jspc" classname="" /> <taskdef name="sun-appserv-update" classname="" /> <taskdef name="sun-appserv-instance" classname="" /> <taskdef name="wsgen" classname="" /> <taskdef name="wsimport" classname="" /> <classpath path="${asinstalldir}/lib/sun-appserv-ant.jar" /> </target>
Targets that use the GlassFish Server Ant tasks then can use the as-ant-init target as a dependency. For example:
<target name="create-some-jdbc-resource" depends="as-ant-init"> ... </target>
Ant resolves properties from top to bottom in Ant build files. If you define the GlassFish Server Ant tasks at the project level, make sure that any properties used within the task definitions have been resolved before the task definitions. For example, the following snippet defines the sun-appserv-admin task at the project level:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project name="glassfish-admin-ant-tasks" default="default"> <property name="asinstalldir" value="c:/glassfishv3/glassfish" /> <taskdef name="sun-appserv-admin" classname="" classpath="${asintalldir}/modules/sun-appserv-ant.jar" /> ... </project>
Use the Ant tasks provided by the GlassFish Server for assembling, deploying, and undeploying modules and applications, and for configuring the server. The tasks are as follows:
Deploys any of the following to a local or remote GlassFish Server instance.
Enterprise application (EAR file)
Web application (WAR file)
Enterprise Java Bean (EJB-JAR file)
Enterprise connector (RAR file)
Application client
The following table describes subelements for the sun-appserv-deploy task. These are objects upon which this task acts.
Table 3–1 The sun-appserv-deploy Subelements
Element |
Description |
A GlassFish Server instance |
A component to be deployed |
A set of component files that match specified parameters |
The following table describes attributes for the sun-appserv-deploy task.
Table 3–2 The sun-appserv-deploy Attributes
Attribute |
Default |
Description |
none |
(optional if a component or fileset subelement is present, otherwise required) The component to deploy. If this attribute refers to a file, it must be a valid archive. If this attribute refers to a directory, it must contain a valid archive in which all components have been exploded. If upload is set to false, this must be an absolute path on the server machine. |
name |
file name without extension |
(optional) The display name for the component being deployed. |
true |
(optional) If true, the component is overwritten if it already exists on the server. If false, sun-appserv-deploy fails if the component exists. |
client stubs not saved |
(optional) The directory where client stubs are saved. This attribute is inherited by nested component elements. |
false |
(optional) If true, all JSP files found in an enterprise application (.ear) or web application (.war) are precompiled. This attribute is ignored for other component types. This attribute is inherited by nested component elements. |
false |
(optional) If true, syntax and semantics for all deployment descriptors are automatically verified for correctness. This attribute is inherited by nested component elements. |
file name without extension |
(optional) The context root for a web module (WAR file). This attribute is ignored if the component is not a WAR file. |
sun-ejb-jar.xml entry |
(optional) The name of the database vendor for which tables can be created. Allowed values are javadb, db2, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, pointbase, derby (also for CloudScape), and sybase, case-insensitive. If not specified, the value of the database-vendor-name attribute in sun-ejb-jar.xml is used. If no value is specified, a connection is made to the resource specified by the jndi-name subelement of the cmp-resource element in the sun-ejb-jar.xml file, and the database vendor name is read. If the connection cannot be established, or if the value is not recognized, SQL-92 compliance is presumed. For details, see Generation Options for CMP. |
sun-ejb-jar.xml entry |
(optional) If true, causes database tables to be created for beans that need them. If false, does not create tables. If not specified, the value of the create-tables-at-deploy attribute in sun-ejb-jar.xml is used. For details, see Generation Options and Generation Options for CMP. |
sun-ejb-jar.xml entry |
(optional) If true, and if tables were automatically created when this application was last deployed, tables from the earlier deployment are dropped and fresh ones are created. If true, and if tables were not automatically created when this application was last deployed, no attempt is made to drop any tables. If tables with the same names as those that would have been automatically created are found, the deployment proceeds, but a warning indicates that tables could not be created. If false, settings of create-tables-at-deploy or drop-tables-at-undeploy in the sun-ejb-jar.xml file are overridden. For details, see Generation Options and Generation Options for CMP. |
sun-ejb-jar.xml entry |
(optional) If true, specifies that table names are unique within each GlassFish Server domain. If not specified, the value of the use-unique-table-names property in sun-ejb-jar.xml is used. For details, see Generation Options for CMP. |
true |
(optional) If true, enables the component. |
none |
(optional) A deployment plan is a JAR file containing GlassFish Server descriptors. Use this attribute when deploying an EAR file that lacks GlassFish Server descriptors. |
false |
(optional) If true, enables high availability features, including persistence of HTTP sessions and checkpointing of the stateful session bean state. |
false |
(optional) If true, generates the static RMI-IIOP stubs and puts them in the client JAR file. |
true |
(optional) If true, the component is transferred to the server for deployment. If the component is being deployed on the local machine, set upload to false to reduce deployment time. If a directory is specified for deployment, upload must be false. |
default virtual server only |
(optional) A comma-separated list of virtual servers to be deployment targets. This attribute applies only to application (.ear) or web (.war) components and is ignored for other component types. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
admin |
(optional) The user name used when logging into the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
passwordfile |
none |
(optional) File containing passwords. The password from this file is retrieved for communication with the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
localhost |
(optional) Target server. When deploying to a remote server, use the fully qualified host name. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
4848 |
(optional) The administration port on the target server. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
name of default instance |
(optional) Target server instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
see description |
(optional) The installation directory for the local GlassFish Server installation, which is used to find the administrative classes. If not specified, the command checks if the asinstalldir parameter has been set. Otherwise, administrative classes must be in the system classpath. |
Here is a simple web application deployment script with many implied attributes:
<sun-appserv-deploy file="${assemble}/simpleapp.war" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" />
Here is an equivalent script showing all the implied attributes:
<sun-appserv-deploy file="${assemble}/simpleapp.war" name="simpleapp" force="true" precompilejsp="false" verify="false" upload="true" user="admin" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" host="localhost" port="4848" target="${default-instance-name}" asinstalldir="${asinstalldir}" />
This example deploys multiple components to the same GlassFish Server instance running on a remote server:
<sun-appserv-deploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}" host="" asinstalldir="/opt/glassfish" > <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war" contextroot="test"/> <component file="${assemble}/simplebean.jar"/> </sun-appserv-deploy>
This example deploys multiple components to two GlassFish Server instances running on remote servers. In this example, both servers are using the same admin password. If this were not the case, each password could be specified in the server element.
<sun-appserv-deploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}" asinstalldir="/opt/glassfish" > <server host=""/> <server host=""/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war" contextroot="test"/> <component file="${assemble}/simplebean.jar"/> </sun-appserv-deploy>
This example deploys the same components as the previous example because the three components match the fileset criteria, but note that it is not possible to set some component-specific attributes. All component-specific attributes (name and contextroot) use their default values.
<sun-appserv-deploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}" host="" asinstalldir="/opt/glassfish" > <fileset dir="${assemble}" includes="**/*.?ar" /> </sun-appserv-deploy>
Undeploys any of the following from a local or remote GlassFish Server instance.
Enterprise application (EAR file)
Web application (WAR file)
Enterprise Java Bean (EJB-JAR file)
Enterprise connector (RAR file)
Application client
The following table describes subelements for the sun-appserv-undeploy task. These are objects upon which this task acts.
Table 3–3 The sun-appserv-undeploy Subelements
Element |
Description |
A GlassFish Server instance |
A component to be deployed |
A set of component files that match specified parameters |
The following table describes attributes for the sun-appserv-undeploy task.
Table 3–4 The sun-appserv-undeploy Attributes
Attribute |
Default |
Description |
name |
file name without extension |
(optional if a component or fileset subelement is present or the file attribute is specified, otherwise required) The display name for the component being undeployed. |
none |
(optional) The component to undeploy. If this attribute refers to a file, it must be a valid archive. If this attribute refers to a directory, it must contain a valid archive in which all components have been exploded. |
sun-ejb-jar.xml entry |
(optional) If true, causes database tables that were automatically created when the bean(s) were last deployed to be dropped when the bean(s) are undeployed. If false, does not drop tables. If not specified, the value of the drop-tables-at-undeploy attribute in sun-ejb-jar.xml is used. For details, see Generation Options and Generation Options for CMP. |
false |
(optional) If true, deletes all connection pools and connector resources associated with the resource adapter being undeployed. If false, undeployment fails if any pools or resources are still associated with the resource adapter. This attribute is applicable to connectors (resource adapters) and applications with connector modules. |
admin |
(optional) The user name used when logging into the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
passwordfile |
none |
(optional) File containing passwords. The password from this file is retrieved for communication with the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
localhost |
(optional) Target server. When deploying to a remote server, use the fully qualified host name. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
4848 |
(optional) The administration port on the target server. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
name of default instance |
(optional) Target server instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
see description |
(optional) The installation directory for the local GlassFish Server installation, which is used to find the administrative classes. If not specified, the command checks to see if the asinstalldir parameter has been set. Otherwise, administrative classes must be in the system classpath. |
Here is a simple application undeployment script with many implied attributes:
<sun-appserv-undeploy name="simpleapp" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" />
Here is an equivalent script showing all the implied attributes:
<sun-appserv-undeploy name="simpleapp" user="admin" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" host="localhost" port="4848" target="${default-instance-name}" asinstalldir="${asinstalldir}" />
This example demonstrates using the archive files (EAR and WAR, in this case) for the undeployment, using the component name (for undeploying the EJB component in this example), and undeploying multiple components.
<sun-appserv-undeploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}"> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/> <component name="simplebean" /> </sun-appserv-undeploy>
As with the deployment process, components can be undeployed from multiple servers in a single command. This example shows the same three components being removed from two different instances of the GlassFish Server. In this example, the passwords for both instances are the same.
<sun-appserv-undeploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}"> <server host=""/> <server host=""/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/> <component name="simplebean" /> </sun-appserv-undeploy>
Starts, stops, restarts, creates, or removes GlassFish Server instances.
The following table describes subelements for the sun-appserv-instance task. These are objects upon which this task acts.
Table 3–5 The sun-appserv-instance Subelements
Element |
Description |
A GlassFish Server instance |
The following table describes attributes for the sun-appserv-instance task.
Table 3–6 The sun-appserv-instance Attributes
Attribute |
Default |
Description |
none |
The control command for the target server instance. Valid values are start, stop, create, and delete. A restart sends the stop command followed by the start command. The restart command is not supported on Windows. |
false |
(optional) Deprecated. If action is set to start, specifies whether the server starts in debug mode. This attribute is ignored for other values of action. If true, the instance generates additional debugging output throughout its lifetime. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
none |
(optional, applicable only if action is create) The configuration for the new stand-alone instance. The configuration must exist and must not be default-config or an already referenced stand-alone configuration (including the administration server configuration server-config). |
none |
(optional, applicable only if action is create) Defines system properties for the server instance. These properties override port settings in the server instance’s configuration. The following properties are defined: http-listener-1-port, http-listener-2-port, orb-listener-1-port, SSL-port, SSL_MUTUALAUTH-port, JMX_SYSTEM_CONNECTOR_port. System properties can be changed after instance creation using the system property commands. For details, see the Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Reference Manual. |
admin |
(optional) The user name used when logging into the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
passwordfile |
none |
(optional) File containing passwords. The password from this file is retrieved for communication with the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
localhost |
(optional) Target server. If it is a remote server, use the fully qualified host name. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
4848 |
(optional) The administration port on the target server. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
name of default instance |
(optional) Target server instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
see description |
(optional) The installation directory for the local GlassFish Server installation, which is used to find the administrative classes. If not specified, the command checks to see if the asinstalldir parameter has been set. Otherwise, administrative classes must be in the system classpath. |
This example starts the local GlassFish Server instance:
<sun-appserv-instance action="start" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" instance="${default-instance-name}"/>
Here is an equivalent script showing all the implied attributes:
<sun-appserv-instance action="start" user="admin" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" host="localhost" port="4848" instance="${default-instance-name}" asinstalldir="${asinstalldir}" />
Multiple servers can be controlled using a single command. In this example, two servers are restarted, and in this case each server uses a different password:
<sun-appserv-instance action="restart" instance="${default-instance-name}"/> <server host="" passwordfile="${password.greg}"/> <server host="" passwordfile="${password.joe}"/> </sun-appserv-instance>
This example creates a new GlassFish Server instance:
<sun-appserv-instance action="create" instanceport="8080" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" instance="development" />
Here is an equivalent script showing all the implied attributes:
<sun-appserv-instance action="create" instanceport="8080" user="admin" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" host="localhost" port="4848" instance="development" asinstalldir="${asinstalldir}" />
Instances can be created on multiple servers using a single command. This example creates a new instance named qa on two different servers. In this case, both servers use the same password.
<sun-appserv-instance action="create" instanceport="8080" instance="qa" passwordfile="${passwordfile}> <server host=""/> <server host=""/> </sun-appserv-instance>
These instances can also be removed from their respective servers:
<sun-appserv-instance action="delete" instance="qa" passwordfile="${passwordfile}> <server host=""/> <server host=""/> </sun-appserv-instance>
Different instance names and instance ports can also be specified using attributes of the server subelement:
<sun-appserv-instance action="create" passwordfile="${passwordfile}> <server host="" instanceport="8080" instance="qa"/> <server host="" instanceport="9090" instance="integration-test"/> </sun-appserv-instance>
Enables or disables the following Java EE component types that have been deployed to the GlassFish Server.
Enterprise application (EAR file)
Web application (WAR file)
Enterprise Java Bean (EJB-JAR file)
Enterprise connector (RAR file)
Application client
You do not need to specify the archive to enable or disable a component: only the component name is required. You can use the component archive, however, because it implies the component name.
The following table describes subelements for the sun-appserv-component task. These are objects upon which this task acts.
Table 3–7 The sun-appserv-component Subelements
Element |
Description |
A GlassFish Server instance |
A component to be deployed |
A set of component files that match specified parameters |
The following table describes attributes for the sun-appserv-component task.
Table 3–8 The sun-appserv-component Attributes
Attribute |
Default |
Description |
none |
The control command for the target server instance. Valid values are enable and disable. |
name |
file name without extension |
(optional if a component or fileset subelement is present or the file attribute is specified, otherwise required) The display name for the component being enabled or disabled. |
none |
(optional) The component to enable or disable. If this attribute refers to a file, it must be a valid archive. If this attribute refers to a directory, it must contain a valid archive in which all components have been exploded. |
admin |
(optional) The user name used when logging into the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
passwordfile |
none |
(optional) File containing passwords. The password from this file is retrieved for communication with the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
localhost |
(optional) Target server. When enabling or disabling a remote server, use the fully qualified host name. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
4848 |
(optional) The administration port on the target server. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
name of default instance |
(optional) Target server instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
see description |
(optional) The installation directory for the local GlassFish Server installation, which is used to find the administrative classes. If not specified, the command checks to see if the asinstalldir parameter has been set. Otherwise, administrative classes must be in the system classpath. |
Here is a simple example of disabling a component:
<sun-appserv-component action="disable" name="simpleapp" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" />
Here is a simple example of enabling a component:
<sun-appserv-component action="enable" name="simpleapp" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" />
Here is an equivalent script showing all the implied attributes:
<sun-appserv-component action="enable" name="simpleapp" user="admin" passwordfile="${passwordfile}" host="localhost" port="4848" target="${default-instance-name}" asinstalldir="${asinstalldir}" />
This example demonstrates disabling multiple components using the archive files (EAR and WAR, in this case) and using the component name (for an EJB component in this example).
<sun-appserv-component action="disable" passwordfile="${passwordfile}"> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/> <component name="simplebean" /> </sun-appserv-component>
Components can be enabled or disabled on multiple servers in a single task. This example shows the same three components being enabled on two different instances of the GlassFish Server. In this example, the passwords for both instances are the same.
<sun-appserv-component action="enable" passwordfile="${passwordfile}"> <server host=""/> <server host=""/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/> <component name="simplebean" /> </sun-appserv-component>
Enables arbitrary administrative commands and scripts to be executed on the GlassFish Server. This is useful for cases where a specific Ant task has not been developed or a set of related commands are in a single script.
The following table describes subelements for the sun-appserv-admin task. These are objects upon which this task acts.
Table 3–9 The sun-appserv-admin Subelements
Element |
Description |
A GlassFish Server instance |
The following table describes attributes for the sun-appserv-admin task.
Table 3–10 The sun-appserv-admin Attributes
Attribute |
Default |
Description |
none |
(exactly one of these is required: command or explicitcommand) The command to execute. If the user, passwordfile, host, port, or target attributes are also specified, they are automatically inserted into the command before execution. If any of these options are specified in the command string, the corresponding attribute values are ignored. |
none |
(exactly one of these is required: command or explicitcommand) The exact command to execute. No command processing is done, and all other attributes are ignored. |
user |
admin |
(optional) The user name used when logging into the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
passwordfile |
none |
(optional) File containing passwords. The password from this file is retrieved for communication with the GlassFish Server administration instance. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
host |
localhost |
(optional) Target server. If it is a remote server, use the fully qualified host name. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
port |
4848 |
(optional) The administration port on the target server. This attribute is inherited by nested server elements. |
see description |
(optional) The installation directory for the local GlassFish Server installation, which is used to find the administrative classes. If not specified, the command checks if the asinstalldir parameter has been set. Otherwise, administrative classes must be in the system classpath. |
Here is an example of executing the create-jms-dest command:
<sun-appserv-admin command="create-jms-dest --desttype topic">
Here is an example of using explicitcommand to execute the create-jms-dest command:
<sun-appserv-admin explicitcommand="create-jms-dest --desttype topic --target server1 simpleJmsDest">
Precompiles JSP source code into GlassFish Server compatible Java code for initial invocation by GlassFish Server. Use this task to speed up access to JSP files or to check the syntax of JSP source code. You can feed the resulting Java code to the javac task to generate class files for the JSP files.
The following table describes attributes for the sun-appserv-jspc task.
Table 3–11 The sun-appserv-jspc Attributes
Attribute |
Default |
Description |
none |
The destination directory for the generated Java source files. |
none |
(exactly one of these is required: srcdir or webapp) The source directory where the JSP files are located. |
none |
(exactly one of these is required: srcdir or webapp) The directory containing the web application. All JSP files within the directory are recursively parsed. The base directory must have a WEB-INF subdirectory beneath it. When webapp is used, sun-appserv-jspc hands off all dependency checking to the compiler. |
2 |
(optional) The verbosity integer to be passed to the compiler. |
none |
(optional) The classpath for running the JSP compiler. |
none |
(optional) A reference to the JSP compiler classpath. |
/ |
(optional) The URI context of relative URI references in the JSP files. If this context does not exist, it is derived from the location of the JSP file relative to the declared or derived value of uriroot. Only pages translated from an explicitly declared JSP file are affected. |
see description |
(optional) The root directory of the web application, against which URI files are resolved. If this directory is not specified, the first JSP file is used to derive it: each parent directory of the first JSP file is searched for a WEB-INF directory, and the directory closest to the JSP file that has one is used. If no WEB-INF directory is found, the directory from which sun-appserv-jspc was called is used. Only pages translated from an explicitly declared JSP file (including tag libraries) are affected. |
none |
(optional) The destination package for the generated Java classes. |
see description |
(optional) The installation directory for the local GlassFish Server installation, which is used to find the administrative classes. If not specified, the command checks if the asinstalldir parameter has been set. Otherwise, administrative classes must be in the system classpath. |
The following example uses the webapp attribute to generate Java source files from JSP files. The sun-appserv-jspc task is immediately followed by a javac task, which compiles the generated Java files into class files. The classpath value in the javac task must be all on one line with no spaces.
<sun-appserv-jspc destdir="${assemble.war}/generated" webapp="${assemble.war}" classpath="${assemble.war}/WEB-INF/classes" asinstalldir="${asinstalldir}" /> <javac srcdir="${assemble.war}/WEB-INF/generated" destdir="${assemble.war}/WEB-INF/generated" debug="on" classpath="${assemble.war}/WEB-INF/classes:${asinstalldir}/lib/ appserv-rt.jar:${asinstalldir}/lib/appserv-ext.jar"> <include name="**/*.java"/> </javac>
Enables deployed web applications (EAR files) and modules (EJB JAR, RAR, and WAR files) to be updated and reloaded for fast iterative development. This task copies modified class files, XML files, and other contents of the archive files to the appropriate subdirectory of the domain-dir/applications directory, then touches the .reload file to cause dynamic reloading to occur.
This is a local task and must be executed on the same machine as the GlassFish Server.
For more information about dynamic reloading, see the Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Application Deployment Guide.
The following table describes attributes for the sun-appserv-update task.
Table 3–12 The sun-appserv-update Attributes
Attribute |
Default |
Description |
none |
The component to update, which must be a valid archive. |
domain1 |
(optional) The domain in which the application has been previously deployed. |
The following example updates the Java EE application foo.ear, which is deployed to the default domain, domain1.
<sun-appserv-update file="foo.ear"/>
Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts used in JAX-WS web services. Reads a web service endpoint class and generates all the required artifacts for web service deployment and invocation.
The following table describes attributes for the wsgen task.
Table 3–13 The wsgen Attributes
The following example generates portable artifacts for fromjava.server.AddNumbersImpl, uses compile.classpath as the classpath, and writes the WSDL file to ${wsdl.dir}.
<wsgen resourcedestdir="${wsdl.dir}" sei="fromjava.server.AddNumbersImpl"> <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/> </wsgen>
Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts for a given WSDL file. Portable artifacts include service endpoint interfaces (SEIs), services, exception classes mapped from the wsdl:fault and soap:headerfault tags, asynchronous response beans derived from the wsdl:message tag, and JAXB generated value types. After generation, these artifacts can be packaged in a WAR file with the WSDL and schema documents along with the endpoint implementation and then deployed.
The following table describes attributes for the wsimport task.
Table 3–14 The wsimport Attributes
Attribute |
Default |
Description |
none |
Specifies the name of the WSDL file. |
current directory |
(optional) Specifies where to place the output generated classes. |
current directory |
(optional) Specifies where to place generated source files. Used only if the keep attribute is set to true. |
false |
(optional) If true, keeps generated files. |
false |
(optional) If true, outputs compiler messages. |
none |
(optional) Specifies external JAX-WS or JAXB binding files. JAX-WS and JAXB binding files can customize things like package names and bean names. More information on JAX-WS and JAXB binding files can be found in the customization documentation included with this release. |
false |
(optional) If true, allows vendor extensions not in the specification. Use of extensions may result in applications that are not portable and may not interoperate with other implementations. |
none |
(optional) Specifies the value of @WebService.wsdlLocation and @WebServiceClient.wsdlLocation annotation elements for the generated SEI and Service interface. This should be set to the URI of the web service WSDL file. |
none |
(optional) Specifies the catalog file to resolve external entity references. Supported formats are TR9401, XCatalog, and OASIS XML Catalog. Additionally, the Ant xmlcatalog type can be used to resolve entities. |
none |
(optional) Specifies the target package, overriding any WSDL and schema binding customization for package name, and the default package name algorithm defined in the JAX-WS specification. |
The following example generates client-side artifacts for AddNumbers.wsdl and stores .class files in the ${build.classes.home} directory using the custom.xml customization file.
<wsimport destdir="${build.classes.home}" wsdl="AddNumbers.wsdl" binding="custom.xml"> </wsimport>
Reusable subelements of the Ant tasks for the GlassFish Server are as follows. These are objects upon which the Ant tasks act.
Specifies a GlassFish Server instance. Allows a single task to act on multiple server instances. The server attributes override corresponding attributes in the parent task; therefore, the parent task attributes function as default values.
The following table describes attributes for the server element.
Table 3–15 The server Attributes
Attribute |
Default |
Description |
admin |
(optional) The user name used when logging into the GlassFish Server domain administration server (DAS). |
passwordfile |
none |
(optional) File containing passwords. The password from this file is retrieved for communication with the GlassFish Server DAS. |
localhost |
(optional) Target server. When targeting a remote server, use the fully qualified host name. |
4848 |
(optional) The administration port on the target server. |
name of default instance |
(optional) Target server instance. |
none |
(applies to The sun-appserv-instance Task only) Deprecated. |
false |
(applies to The sun-appserv-instance Task only, optional) Deprecated. If action is set to start, specifies whether the server starts in debug mode. This attribute is ignored for other values of action. If true, the instance generates additional debugging output throughout its lifetime. |
true |
(applies to The sun-appserv-deploy Task only, optional) If true, the component is transferred to the server for deployment. If the component is being deployed on the local machine, set upload to false to reduce deployment time. |
default virtual server only |
(applies to The sun-appserv-deploy Task only, optional) A comma-separated list of virtual servers to be deployment targets. This attribute applies only to application (.ear) or web (.war) components and is ignored for other component types. |
You can control multiple servers using a single task. In this example, two servers are started, each using a different password. Only the second server is started in debug mode.
<sun-appserv-instance action="start"> <server host="" passwordfile="${password.greg}"/> <server host="" passwordfile="${password.joe}" debug="true"/> </sun-appserv-instance>
You can create instances on multiple servers using a single task. This example creates a new instance named qa on two different servers. Both servers use the same password.
<sun-appserv-instance action="create" instanceport="8080" instance="qa" passwordfile="${passwordfile}> <server host=""/> <server host=""/> </sun-appserv-instance>
These instances can also be removed from their respective servers:
<sun-appserv-instance action="delete" instance="qa" passwordfile="${passwordfile}> <server host=""/> <server host=""/> </sun-appserv-instance>
You can specify different instance names and instance ports using attributes of the nested server element:
<sun-appserv-instance action="create" passwordfile="${passwordfile}> <server host="" instanceport="8080" instance="qa"/> <server host="" instanceport="9090" instance="integration-test"/> </sun-appserv-instance>
You can deploy multiple components to multiple servers (see the The component Subelement) . This example deploys each component to two GlassFish Server instances running on remote servers. Both servers use the same password.
<sun-appserv-deploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}" asinstalldir="/opt/s1as8" > <server host=""/> <server host=""/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war" contextroot="test"/> <component file="${assemble}/simplebean.jar"/> </sun-appserv-deploy>
You can also undeploy multiple components from multiple servers. This example shows the same three components being removed from two different instances. Both servers use the same password.
<sun-appserv-undeploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}"> <server host=""/> <server host=""/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/> <component name="simplebean" /> </sun-appserv-undeploy>
You can enable or disable components on multiple servers. This example shows the same three components being enabled on two different instances. Both servers use the same password.
<sun-appserv-component action="enable" passwordfile="${passwordfile}"> <server host=""/> <server host=""/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/> <component name="simplebean" /> </sun-appserv-component>
Specifies a Java EE component. Allows a single task to act on multiple components. The component attributes override corresponding attributes in the parent task; therefore, the parent task attributes function as default values.
The following table describes attributes for the component element.
Table 3–16 The component Attributes
Attribute |
Default |
Description |
none |
(optional if the parent task is The sun-appserv-undeploy Task or The sun-appserv-component Task) The target component. If this attribute refers to a file, it must be a valid archive. If this attribute refers to a directory, it must contain a valid archive in which all components have been exploded. If upload is set to false, this must be an absolute path on the server machine. |
name |
file name without extension |
(optional) The display name for the component. |
true |
(applies to The sun-appserv-deploy Task only, optional) If true, the component is overwritten if it already exists on the server. If false, the containing element’s operation fails if the component exists. |
false |
(applies to The sun-appserv-deploy Task only, optional) If true, all JSP files found in an enterprise application (.ear) or web application (.war) are precompiled. This attribute is ignored for other component types. |
client stubs not saved |
(applies to The sun-appserv-deploy Task only, optional) The directory where client stubs are saved. |
file name without extension |
(applies to The sun-appserv-deploy Task only, optional) The context root for a web module (WAR file). This attribute is ignored if the component is not a WAR file. |
false |
(applies to The sun-appserv-deploy Task only, optional) If true, syntax and semantics for all deployment descriptors is automatically verified for correctness. |
You can deploy multiple components using a single task. This example deploys each component to the same GlassFish Server instance running on a remote server.
<sun-appserv-deploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}" host="" asinstalldir="/opt/s1as8" > <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war" contextroot="test"/> <component file="${assemble}/simplebean.jar"/> </sun-appserv-deploy>
You can also undeploy multiple components using a single task. This example demonstrates using the archive files (EAR and WAR, in this case) and the component name (for the EJB component).
<sun-appserv-undeploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}"> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/ <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/> <component name="simplebean" /> </sun-appserv-undeploy>
You can deploy multiple components to multiple servers. This example deploys each component to two instances running on remote servers. Both servers use the same password.
<sun-appserv-deploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}" asinstalldir="/opt/s1as8" > <server host=""/> <server host=""/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war" contextroot="test"/> <component file="${assemble}/simplebean.jar"/> </sun-appserv-deploy>
You can also undeploy multiple components to multiple servers. This example shows the same three components being removed from two different instances. Both servers use the same password.
<sun-appserv-undeploy passwordfile="${passwordfile}"> <server host=""/> <server host=""/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/> <component name="simplebean" /> </sun-appserv-undeploy>
You can enable or disable multiple components. This example demonstrates disabling multiple components using the archive files (EAR and WAR, in this case) and the component name (for the EJB component).
<sun-appserv-component action="disable" passwordfile="${passwordfile}"> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/> <component name="simplebean" /> </sun-appserv-component>
You can enable or disable multiple components on multiple servers. This example shows the same three components being enabled on two different instances. Both servers use the same password.
<sun-appserv-component action="enable" passwordfile="${passwordfile}"> <server host=""/> <server host=""/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleapp.ear"/> <component file="${assemble}/simpleservlet.war"/> <component name="simplebean" /> </sun-appserv-component>
Selects component files that match specified parameters. When fileset is included as a subelement, the name and contextroot attributes of the containing element must use their default values for each file in the fileset. For more information, see