You can create two kinds of JMS resources in the GlassFish Server:
Connection Factories – administered objects that implement the ConnectionFactory, QueueConnectionFactory, or TopicConnectionFactory interfaces.
Destination Resources – administered objects that implement the Queue or Topic interfaces.
In either case, the steps for creating a JMS resource are the same. You can create a JMS resource in the following ways:
To create a JMS resource using the Administration Console, open the Resources component, then open the JMS Resources component. Click Connection Factories to create a connection factory, or click Destination Resources to create a queue or topic. For details, click the Help button in the Administration Console.
A JMS resource is a type of connector. For more information about connectors, see Chapter 12, Developing Connectors.
All JMS resource properties that used to work with version 7 of the GlassFish Server are supported for backward compatibility.