Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Quick Start Guide

ProcedureTo Remove GlassFish Server Software

Before You Begin

Stop all domains and other related processes, including command prompts using the installation directory or its subdirectories, the Update Tool notifier process if present, and any applications using Java SE files.

For more information about performing these tasks, see Chapter 2, Uninstalling Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1, in Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Installation Guide.

  1. Change to the as-install-parent directory, which contains the uninstallation program.

  2. Run the uninstallation program and remove the software.

    • UNIX, Linux, or Mac OS X systems: Type ./

      If necessary, grant execute permissions to the uninstall file before executing it: chmod +x ./

    • Windows systems: Type uninstall.exe

  3. Examine the contents of the remaining installation directories and remove any files or directories that you do not want, including hidden directories prefixed with a dot.