Oracle GlassFish Server 3.0.1 Reference Manual
 launches the Application Client Container and invokes the client application typically packaged in the application JAR file. ( Index Term Link )
 lets you log in to a domain ( Index Term Link )
 list ( Index Term Link )
 list-admin-objects ( Index Term Link )
 list-applications ( Index Term Link )
 list-audit-modules ( Index Term Link )
 list-auth-realms ( Index Term Link )
 list-commands ( Index Term Link )
 list-components ( Index Term Link )
 list-connector-connection-pools ( Index Term Link )
 list-connector-resources ( Index Term Link )
 list-connector-security-maps ( Index Term Link )
 list-connector-work-security-maps ( Index Term Link )
 list-containers ( Index Term Link )
 list-custom-resources ( Index Term Link )
 list-domains ( Index Term Link )
 list-file-groups ( Index Term Link )
 list-file-users ( Index Term Link )
 list-http-listeners ( Index Term Link )
 list-iiop-listeners ( Index Term Link )
 list-javamail-resources ( Index Term Link )
 list-jdbc-connection-pools ( Index Term Link )
 list-jdbc-resources ( Index Term Link )
 list-jms-hosts ( Index Term Link )
 list-jms-resources ( Index Term Link )
 list-jmsdest ( Index Term Link )
 list-jndi-entries ( Index Term Link )
 list-jndi-resources ( Index Term Link )
 list-jvm-options ( Index Term Link )
 list-lifecycle-modules ( Index Term Link )
 list-modules ( Index Term Link )
 list-network-listeners ( Index Term Link )
 list-password-aliases ( Index Term Link )
 list-protocols ( Index Term Link )
 list-resource-adapter-configs ( Index Term Link )
 list-sub-components ( Index Term Link )
 list-system-properties ( Index Term Link )
 list-timers ( Index Term Link )
 list-transports ( Index Term Link )
 list-virtual-servers ( Index Term Link )
 list-web-context-param ( Index Term Link )
 list-web-env-entry ( Index Term Link )
 lists all existing JNDI resources ( Index Term Link )
 lists all JDBC connection pools ( Index Term Link )
 lists all of the timers owned by server instance(s) ( Index Term Link )
 lists all password aliases ( Index Term Link )
 lists application containers ( Index Term Link )
 lists available commands ( Index Term Link )
 lists deployed applications ( Index Term Link )
 lists deployed components ( Index Term Link )
 lists EJBs or Servlets in deployed module or module of deployed application ( Index Term Link )
 lists environment entries for a deployed web application or module ( Index Term Link )
 lists GlassFish Server modules ( Index Term Link )
 lists ofusers of the file realm ( Index Term Link )
 lists options for the Java application launcher ( Index Term Link )
 lists servlet context-initialization parameters of a deployed web application or module ( Index Term Link )
 lists the authentication realms ( Index Term Link )
 lists the configurable elements ( Index Term Link )
 lists the domains in the specified directory ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing HTTP network listeners ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing IIOP listeners ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing JavaMail session resources ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing JMS hosts ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing JMS physical destinations ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing network listeners ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing protocols ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing transports ( Index Term Link )
 lists the existing virtual servers ( Index Term Link )
 lists the file groups ( Index Term Link )
 lists the JMS resources ( Index Term Link )
 lists the lifecycle modules ( Index Term Link )
 lists the names of all the resource adapter configs created ( Index Term Link )
 lists the security maps belonging to the specified connector connection pool ( Index Term Link )
 lists the system properties of the domain ( Index Term Link )
 lists the work security maps belonging to the specified resource adapter ( Index Term Link )
 log GlassFish Server events. ( Index Term Link )
 logging ( Index Term Link )
 login ( Index Term Link )