Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Administration Guide

How This Book Is Organized

Table P–1 describes the contents of this manual.

Table P–1 Book Contents



Part I, Introduction to Message Queue Administration

Chapter 1, Administrative Tasks and Tools

Introduces Message Queue administrative tasks and tools.  

Chapter 2, Quick-Start Tutorial

Provides a hands-on tutorial to acquaint you with the Message Queue Administration Console.  

Part II, Administrative Tasks

Chapter 3, Starting Brokers and Clients

Describes how to start the Message Queue broker and clients.  

Chapter 4, Configuring a Broker

Describes how configuration properties are set and read, and gives an introduction to the configurable aspects of the broker.  

Chapter 5, Managing a Broker

Describes broker management tasks.  

Chapter 6, Configuring and Managing Connection Services

Describes configuration and management tasks relating to the broker's connection services.  

Chapter 7, Managing Message Delivery

Describes how to create and manage physical destinations and manage other aspects of message delivery.  

Chapter 8, Configuring Persistence Services

Describes how to set up a file-based or JDBC-based data store to perform persistence services.  

Chapter 9, Configuring and Managing Security Services

Describes security-related tasks, such as managing password files, authentication, authorization, and encryption.  

Chapter 10, Configuring and Managing Broker Clusters

Describes how to set up and manage a cluster of Message Queue brokers.  

Chapter 11, Managing Administered Objects

Describes the object store and shows how to perform tasks related to administered objects (connection factories and destinations).  

Chapter 12, Configuring and Managing Bridge Services

Describes how to set up and manage The JMS and STOMP bridge services. 

Chapter 13, Monitoring Broker Operations

Describes how to set up and use Message Queue monitoring facilities.  

Chapter 14, Analyzing and Tuning a Message Service

Describes techniques for analyzing and optimizing message service performance.  

Chapter 15, Troubleshooting

Provides suggestions for determining the cause of common Message Queue problems and the actions you can take to resolve them.  

Part III, Reference

Chapter 16, Command Line Reference

Provides syntax and descriptions for Message Queue command line utilities.  

Chapter 17, Broker Properties Reference

Describes the configuration properties of Message Queue message brokers.  

Chapter 18, Physical Destination Property Reference

Describes the configuration properties of physical destinations.  

Chapter 19, Administered Object Attribute Reference

Describes the configuration properties of administered objects (connection factories and destinations).  

Chapter 20, JMS Resource Adapter Property Reference

Describes the configuration properties of the Message Queue Resource Adapter for use with an application server.  

Chapter 21, Metrics Information Reference

Describes the metric information that a Message Queue message broker can provide for monitoring, turning, and diagnostic purposes. . 

Chapter 22, JES Monitoring Framework Reference

Lists Message Queue attributes that are accessible by means of the JavaTM Enterprise System Monitoring Framework (JESMF).

Part IV, Appendixes

Appendix A, Distribution-Specific Locations of Message Queue Data

Lists the locations of Message Queue files on each supported platform.  

Appendix B, Stability of Message Queue Interfaces

Describes the stability of various Message Queue interfaces.  

Appendix C, HTTP/HTTPS Support

Describes how to set up and use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for Message Queue communication.

Appendix D, JMX Support

Describes Message Queue’s administrative support for client programs using the Java Management Extensions (JMX) application programming interface

Appendix E, Frequently Used Command Utility Commands

Lists some frequently used Message Queue Command utility (imqcmd) commands.