Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Administration Guide

Bridge-Related Broker Properties

The operation of the Bridge Service Manager is in part controlled by several broker properties. These broker properties, all of which begin with imq.bridge, are listed in tables under Bridge Properties. Some of the properties apply to all bridges configured for the broker, while others apply only to a specific bridge. The properties that apply to a specific bridge all begin with imq.bridge.bridgeName, where bridgeName is:

Of all the bridge-related broker properties, the two most important are imq.bridge.enabled and imq.bridge.activelist:

ProcedureTo Enable the Bridge Service Manager

  1. Set the imq.bridge.enabled broker property to true.

  2. Set the imq.bridge.admin.user broker property to the user name of the admin user.

  3. Set the imq.bridge.admin.password broker property to the password of the admin user.

    Alternatively, you can specify the password using the -passfile option when you use the imqbrokerd command to start the broker hosting the bridge service manager.

  4. Set the imq.bridge.activelist broker property to a comma-separated list of bridges to instantiate at broker startup.