Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Developer's Guide for C Clients

Composing the Message

Create a message using either the MQCreateBytesMessage() function or the MQCreateTextMessage() function. Either of these functions returns a message handle that you can then pass to the functions you use to set the message body, header, and properties (listed in Composing Messages()). You can also use the MQCreateMessage() function to create a message that has a header and properties but no message body.

When you set message header properties or when you set additional user-defined properties, you must pass a handle to a properties object that you have created using the MQCreateProperties() function. For more information, see Working With Properties.

You can use the MQSetMessageReplyTo() function to associate a message with a destination that recipients can use for replies. To do this, you must first create a destination that will serve as your reply-to destination. Then, pass a handle to that destination when you call the MQSetMessageReplyTo() function. The receiver of a message can use the MQGetMessageReplyTo() function to determine whether a sender has set up a destination where replies are to be sent.