Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Developer's Guide for C Clients

How This Book Is Organized

This guide is designed to be read from beginning to end. The following table briefly describes the contents of each chapter.

Table P–1 Book Contents



Chapter 1, Introduction

Introduces the C-API, provides quick start instructions on compiling and building Message Queue C clients. Introduces the Message Queue C-Client sample applications that are shipped with Message Queue, and explains how you set up your environment to run these examples. Provides a deployment worksheet. 

Chapter 2, Using the C API

Explains how you use the C-API to construct, to send, to receive, and to process messages. This chapter also covers error handling, memory management, and logging. 

Chapter 3, Client Design Issues

Explains the major considerations that you need to keep in mind when designing a Message Queue C client. 

Chapter 4, Reference

Provides complete reference information for the Message Queue C-API: data structures and functions. It also lists and describes the contents of the C-API header files. 

Appendix A, Message Queue C API Error Codes

Lists the code and descriptive string returned for errors that are returned by C library functions.