Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Developer's Guide for Java Clients

Metrics Monitoring Client Code Examples

Several complete monitoring example applications (including source code and full documentation) are provided when you install Message Queue. You’ll find the examples in your IMQ home directory under /demo/monitoring. Before you can run these clients, you must set up your environment (for example, the CLASSPATH environment variable). For details, see Setting Up Your Environment.

Next are brief descriptions of three examples—Broker Metrics, Destination List Metrics, and Destination Metrics—with annotated code examples from each.

These examples use the utility classes MetricsPrinter and MultiColumnPrinter to print formatted and aligned columns of text output. However, rather than explaining how those utility classes are used, the following code examples focus on how to subscribe to the metrics topic and how to extract information from the metrics messages received.

Notice that in the source files, the code for subscribing to metrics topics and processing messages is actually spread across various methods. However, for the sake of clarity, the examples are shown here as though they were contiguous blocks of code.

A Broker Metrics Example

The source file for this code example is This metrics monitoring client subscribes to the topic and prints broker-related metrics to the standard output.

Example 4–1 shows how to subscribe to

Example 4–1 Example of Subscribing to a Broker Metrics Topic

com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory metricConnectionFactory;
    TopicConnection             metricConnection;
    TopicSession                metricSession;
    TopicSubscriber             metricSubscriber;
    Topic                       metricTopic;

    metricConnectionFactory = new com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory();

    metricConnection = metricConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection();

    metricSession = metricConnection.createTopicSession(false,

    metricTopic = metricSession.createTopic("");

    metricSubscriber = metricSession.createSubscriber(metricTopic);

The incoming message is processed in the onMessage() and doTotals() methods, as shown in Example 4–2.

Example 4–2 Example of Processing a Broker Metrics Message

public void onMessage(Message m)  {
    try  {
            MapMessage mapMsg = (MapMessage)m;
            String type = mapMsg.getStringProperty("type");

            if (type.equals(""))  {
                if (showTotals)  {

private void doTotals(MapMessage mapMsg)  {
    try  {
            String oneRow[] = new String[ 8 ];
            int i = 0;

            * Extract broker metrics
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("numMsgsIn"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("numMsgsOut"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("msgBytesIn"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("msgBytesOut"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("numPktsIn"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("numPktsOut"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("pktBytesIn"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("pktBytesOut"));
    } catch (Exception e)  {
            System.err.println("onMessage: Exception caught: " + e);

Notice how the metrics type is extracted, using the getStringProperty() method, and is checked. If you use the onMessage() method to process metrics messages of different types, you can use the type property to distinguish between different incoming metrics messages.

Also notice how various pieces of information on the broker are extracted, using the getLong() method of mapMsg.

Run this example monitoring client with the following command:

java BrokerMetrics

The output looks like the following:

Msgs            Msg Bytes         Pkts               Pkt     Bytes
In      Out     In        Out     In        Out      In        Out
0       0        0        0       6         5        888       802
0       1        0        633     7         8        1004      1669

A Destination List Metrics Example

The source file for this code example is This client application monitors the list of destinations on a broker by subscribing to the topic mq.metrics.destination_list. The messages that arrive contain information describing the destinations that currently exist on the broker, such as destination name, destination type, and whether the destination is temporary.

Example 4–3 shows how to subscribe to mq.metrics.destination_list.

Example 4–3 Example of Subscribing to the Destination List Metrics Topic

com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory metricConnectionFactory;
TopicConnection              metricConnection;
TopicSession                 metricSession;
TopicSubscriber              metricSubscriber;
Topic                        metricTopic;
String                       metricTopicName = null;

metricConnectionFactory = new com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory();
metricConnection = metricConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection();

metricSession = metricConnection.createTopicSession(false,

metricTopicName = "mq.metrics.destination_list";
metricTopic = metricSession.createTopic(metricTopicName);

metricSubscriber = metricSession.createSubscriber(metricTopic);

The incoming message is processed in the onMessage() method, as shown in Example 4–4:

Example 4–4 Example of Processing a Destination List Metrics Message

public void onMessage(Message m)  {
         MapMessage mapMsg = (MapMessage)m;
         String type = mapMsg.getStringProperty("type");

         if (type.equals(metricTopicName))  {
             String oneRow[] = new String[ 3 ];

             * Extract metrics
             for (Enumeration e = mapMsg.getMapNames();
                  e.hasMoreElements();) {

                  String metricDestName = (String)e.nextElement();
                  Hashtable destValues =
                  int i = 0;

                  oneRow[i++] = (destValues.get("name")).toString();
                  oneRow[i++] = (destValues.get("type")).toString();
                  oneRow[i++] = (destValues.get("isTemporary")).toString();



         } else  {
                System.err.println("Msg received:
                        not destination list metric type");
    } catch (Exception e)  {
            System.err.println("onMessage: Exception caught: " + e);

Notice how the metrics type is extracted and checked, and how the list of destinations is extracted. By iterating through the map names in mapMsg and extracting the corresponding value (a hashtable), you can construct a list of all the destinations and their related information.

As discussed in Format of Metrics Messages, these map names are metrics topic names having one of two forms:



(The map names can also be used to monitor a destination, but that is not done in this particular example.)

Notice that from each extracted hashtable, the information on each destination is extracted using the keys name, type, and isTemporary. The extraction code from the previous code example is reiterated here for your convenience.

Example 4–5 Example of Extracting Destination Information From a Hash Table

  String metricDestName = (String)e.nextElement();
        Hashtable destValues = (Hashtable)mapMsg.getObject(metricDestName);
        int i = 0;

        oneRow[i++] = (destValues.get("name")).toString();
        oneRow[i++] = (destValues.get("type")).toString();
        oneRow[i++] = (destValues.get("isTemporary")).toString();

Run this example monitoring client with the following command:

java DestListMetrics

The output looks like the following:

Destination Name       Type          IsTemporary
SimpleQueue            queue          false
fooQueue               queue          false
topic1                 topic          false

A Destination Metrics Example

The source file for this code example is This client application monitors a specific destination on a broker. It accepts the destination type and name as parameters, and it constructs a metrics topic name of the form mq.metrics.destination.queue.monitored_destination_name or mq.metrics.destination.topic.monitored_destination_name .

Example 4–6 shows how to subscribe to the metrics topic for monitoring a specified destination.

Example 4–6 Example of Subscribing to a Destination Metrics Topic

com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory metricConnectionFactory;
TopicConnection             metricConnection;
TopicSession                metricSession;
TopicSubscriber             metricSubscriber;
Topic                       metricTopic;
String                      metricTopicName = null;
String                      destName = null,
                            destType = null;

for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)  {
    } else if (args[i].equals("-n"))  {
            destName = args[i+1];
    } else if (args[i].equals("-t"))  {
            destType = args[i+1];

metricConnectionFactory = new com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory();

metricConnection = metricConnectionFactory.createTopicConnection();

metricSession = metricConnection.createTopicSession(false,

if (destType.equals("q"))  {
    metricTopicName = "mq.metrics.destination.queue." + destName;
} else  {
    metricTopicName = "mq.metrics.destination.topic." + destName;

metricTopic = metricSession.createTopic(metricTopicName);

metricSubscriber = metricSession.createSubscriber(metricTopic);

The incoming message is processed in the onMessage() method, as shown in Example 4–7:

Example 4–7 Example of Processing a Destination Metrics Message

public void onMessage(Message m)  {
   try {
        MapMessage mapMsg = (MapMessage)m;
        String type = mapMsg.getStringProperty("type");

        if (type.equals(metricTopicName))  {
            String oneRow[] = new String[ 11 ];
            int i = 0;

            * Extract destination metrics
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("numMsgsIn"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("numMsgsOut"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("msgBytesIn"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("msgBytesOut"));

            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("numMsgs"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("peakNumMsgs"));
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("avgNumMsgs"));

            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("totalMsgBytes")/1024);
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString
            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString

            oneRow[i++] = Long.toString(mapMsg.getLong("peakMsgBytes")/1024);

    } catch (Exception e)  {
            System.err.println("onMessage: Exception caught: " + e);

Notice how the metrics type is extracted, using the getStringProperty() method as in the previous examples, and is checked. Also notice how various destination data are extracted, using the getLong() method of mapMsg.

You can run this example monitoring client with one of the following commands:

java DestMetrics -t t -n topic_name
java DestMetrics -t q -n queue_name

Using a queue named SimpleQueue as an example, the command would be:

java DestMetrics -t q -n SimpleQueue

The output looks like the following:

Msgs       Msg   Bytes  Msg Count        Tot Msg Bytes(k)    Largest Msg
In   Out   In    Out    Curr  Peak  Avg  Curr  Peak  Avg     (k)
500   0   318000  0     500   500   250  310   310   155      0