Oracle GlassFish Message Queue 4.4.2 Developer's Guide for Java Clients

Directory Variable Conventions

Message Queue documentation makes use of three directory variables; two of which represent environment variables needed by Message Queue. (How you set the environment variables varies from platform to platform.)

The following table describes the directory variables that might be found in this book and how they are used. When installed from the IPS (pkg(5)) image distribution, Message Queue is installed in a directory referred to as mqInstallHome, and some of the directory variables in Table P–5 reference this mqInstallHome directory.

Note –

In this book, directory variables are shown without platform-specific environment variable notation or syntax (such as $IMQ_HOME on UNIX). Non-platform-specific path names use UNIX directory separator (/) notation.

Table P–5 Directory Variable Conventions




Message Queue home directory, if any:  

  • For installations from the IPS image distribution on any platform, IMQ_HOME denotes the directory mqInstallHome/mq, where mqInstallHome is specified when you install Message Queue.

  • For installations from Solaris SVR4 packages, IMQ_HOME is unused.

  • For installations from Linux RPM packages, IMQ_HOME is unused.


Directory in which Message Queue temporary or dynamically created configuration and data files are stored; IMQ_VARHOME can be explicitly set as an environment variable to point to any directory or will default as described below:

  • For installations from the IPS image distribution on any platform, IMQ_VARHOME defaults to mqInstallHome/var/mq.

  • For installations from Solaris SVR4 packages, IMQ_VARHOME defaults to /var/imq.

  • For installations from Linux RPM packages, IMQ_VARHOME defaults to /var/opt/sun/mq.


An environment variable that points to the location of the Java runtime environment (JRE) required by Message Queue executable files:

  • On Solaris, Linux and Windows, Message Queue looks for the latest JDK, but you can optionally set the value of IMQ_JAVAHOME to wherever the preferred JRE resides.

  • On AIX, IMQ_JAVAHOME is set to point to an existing Java runtime when you perform Message Queue installation.