The Java EE 6 Tutorial

Coding the Message-Driven Beans for the clientmdbentity Example

This example uses two message-driven beans:

    The beans take the following steps:

  1. They inject MessageDrivenContext and ConnectionFactory resources.

  2. The onMessage method retrieves the information in the message. The EquipmentMDB’s onMessage method chooses equipment, based on the new hire’s position; the OfficeMDB’s onMessage method randomly generates an office number.

  3. After a slight delay to simulate real world processing hitches, the onMessage method calls a helper method, compose.

  4. The compose method takes the following steps:

    1. It either creates and persists the SetupOffice entity or finds it by primary key.

    2. It uses the entity to store the equipment or the office information in the database, calling either the doEquipmentList or the doOfficeNumber business method.

    3. If the business method returns true, meaning that all of the information has been stored, it creates a connection and a session, retrieves the reply destination information from the message, creates a MessageProducer, and sends a reply message that contains the information stored in the entity.

    4. It removes the entity.