The Java EE 6 Tutorial

The Business Interface

The Cart business interface is a plain Java interface that defines all the business methods implemented in the bean class. If the bean class implements a single interface, that interface is assumed to the business interface. The business interface is a local interface unless it is annotated with the javax.ejb.Remote annotation; the javax.ejb.Local annotation is optional in this case.

The bean class may implement more than one interface. In that case, the business interfaces must either be explicitly annotated @Local or @Remote or be specified by decorating the bean class with @Local or @Remote. However, the following interfaces are excluded when determining whether the bean class implements more than one interface:

The source code for the Cart business interface follows:

package com.sun.tutorial.javaee.ejb;

import java.util.List;
import javax.ejb.Remote;

public interface Cart {
    public void initialize(String person) throws BookException;
    public void initialize(String person, String id)
         throws BookException;
    public void addBook(String title);
    public void removeBook(String title) throws BookException;
    public List<String> getContents();
    public void remove();