Declarative security can express an application component’s security requirements by using deployment descriptors. Because deployment descriptor information is declarative, it can be changed without the need to modify the source code. At runtime, the Java EE server reads the deployment descriptor and acts upon the corresponding application, module, or component accordingly. Deployment descriptors must provide certain structural information for each component if this information has not been provided in annotations or is not to be defaulted.
This part of the tutorial does not document how to create deployment descriptors; it describes only the elements of the deployment descriptor relevant to security. NetBeans IDE provides tools for creating and modifying deployment descriptors.
Different types of components use different formats, or schemas, for their deployment descriptors. The security elements of deployment descriptors discussed in this tutorial include the following.
Web components may use a web application deployment descriptor named web.xml.
The schema for web component deployment descriptors is provided in Chapter 14 of the Java Servlet 3.0 specification (JSR 315), which can be downloaded from
Enterprise JavaBeans components may use an EJB deployment descriptor named META-INF/ejb-jar.xml, contained in the EJB JAR file.
The schema for enterprise bean deployment descriptors is provided in Chapter 19 of the EJB 3.1 specification (JSR 318), which can be downloaded from