When using the GlassFish Server, you can use security maps to map the caller identity of the application (principal or user group) to a suitable EIS principal in container-managed transaction-based scenarios. When an application principal initiates a request to an EIS, the GlassFish Server first checks for an exact principal by using the security map defined for the connector connection pool to determine the mapped back-end EIS principal. If there is no exact match, the GlassFish Server uses the wildcard character specification, if any, to determine the mapped back-end EIS principal. Security maps are used when an application user needs to execute EIS operations that require to be executed as a specific identity in the EIS.
To work with security maps, use the Administration Console. From the Administration Console, follow these steps to get to the security maps page.
In the navigation tree, expand the Resources node.
Expand the Connectors node.
Select the Connector Connection Pools node.
On the Connector Connection Pools page, click the name of the connection pool for which you want to create a security map.
Click the Security Maps tab.
Click New to create a new security map for the connection pool.
Type a name by which you will refer to the security map, as well as the other required information.
Click the Help button for more information on the individual options.