The Java EE 6 Tutorial

Using the JMS API with Application Clients and Web Components

An application client in a Java EE application can use the JMS API in much the same way that a stand-alone client program does. It can produce messages, and it can consume messages by using either synchronous receives or message listeners. See Chapter 17, A Message-Driven Bean Example for an example of an application client that produces messages.

The Java EE platform specification does not impose strict constraints on how web components should use the JMS API. In the GlassFish Server, a web component can send messages and consume them synchronously but cannot consume them asynchronously.

Because a blocking synchronous receive ties up server resources, it is not a good programming practice to use such a receive call in a web component. Instead, use a timed synchronous receive. For details about blocking and timed synchronous receives, see Writing the Clients for the Synchronous Receive Example.