Declarative security enables the application developer to specify which users are authorized to access which methods of the enterprise beans and to authenticate these users with basic, or username-password, authentication. Frequently, the person who is developing an enterprise application is not the same person who is responsible for deploying the application. An application developer who uses declarative security to define method permissions and authentications mechanisms is passing along to the deployer a security view of the enterprise beans contained in the EJB JAR. When a security view is passed on to the deployer, he or she uses this information to define method permissions for security roles. If you don’t define a security view, the deployer will have to determine what each business method does to determine which users are authorized to call each method.
A security view consists of a set of security roles, a semantic grouping of permissions that a given type of users of an application must have to successfully access the application. Security roles are meant to be logical roles, representing a type of user. You can define method permissions for each security role. A method permission is a permission to invoke a specified group of methods of an enterprise bean’s business interface, home interface, component interface, and/or web service endpoints. After method permissions are defined, user name/password authentication will be used to verify the identity of the user.
It is important to keep in mind that security roles are used to define the logical security view of an application. They should not be confused with the user groups, users, principals, and other concepts that exist in the GlassFish Server. An additional step is required to map the roles defined in the application to users, groups, and principals that are the components of the user database in the file realm of the GlassFish Server. These steps are outlined in Mapping Roles to Users and Groups.
The following sections show how an application developer uses declarative security to either secure an application or to create a security view to pass along to the deployer.
This section discusses how to use annotations to specify the method permissions for the methods of a bean class. For more information on these annotations, refer to the Common Annotations for the Java Platform specification at
Method permissions can be specified on the class, the business methods of the class, or both. Method permissions can be specified on a method of the bean class to override the method permissions value specified on the entire bean class. The following annotations are used to specify method permissions:
@DeclareRoles: Specifies all the roles that the application will use, including roles not specifically named in a @RolesAllowed annotation. The set of security roles the application uses is the total of the security roles defined in the @DeclareRoles and @RolesAllowed annotations.
The @DeclareRoles annotation is specified on a bean class, where it serves to declare roles that can be tested (for example, by calling isCallerInRole) from within the methods of the annotated class. When declaring the name of a role used as a parameter to the isCallerInRole(String roleName) method, the declared name must be the same as the parameter value.
The following example code demonstrates the use of the @DeclareRoles annotation:
@DeclareRoles("BusinessAdmin") public class Calculator { ... }
The syntax for declaring more than one role is as shown in the following example:
@DeclareRoles({"Administrator", "Manager", "Employee"})
@RolesAllowed("list-of-roles"): Specifies the security roles permitted to access methods in an application. This annotation can be specified on a class or on one or more methods. When specified at the class level, the annotation applies to all methods in the class. When specified on a method, the annotation applies to that method only and overrides any values specified at the class level.
To specify that no roles are authorized to access methods in an application, use the @DenyAll annotation. To specify that a user in any role is authorized to access the application, use the @PermitAll annotation.
When used in conjunction with the @DeclareRoles annotation, the combined set of security roles is used by the application.
The following example code demonstrates the use of the @RolesAllowed annotation:
@DeclareRoles({"Administrator", "Manager", "Employee"}) public class Calculator { @RolesAllowed("Administrator") public void setNewRate(int rate) { ... } }
@PermitAll: Specifies that all security roles are permitted to execute the specified method or methods. The user is not checked against a database to ensure that he or she is authorized to access this application.
This annotation can be specified on a class or on one or more methods. Specifying this annotation on the class means that it applies to all methods of the class. Specifying it at the method level means that it applies to only that method.
The following example code demonstrates the use of the @PermitAll annotation:
import*; @RolesAllowed("RestrictedUsers") public class Calculator { @RolesAllowed("Administrator") public void setNewRate(int rate) { //... } @PermitAll public long convertCurrency(long amount) { //... } }
@DenyAll: Specifies that no security roles are permitted to execute the specified method or methods. This means that these methods are excluded from execution in the Java EE container.
The following example code demonstrates the use of the @DenyAll annotation:
import*; @RolesAllowed("Users") public class Calculator { @RolesAllowed("Administrator") public void setNewRate(int rate) { //... } @DenyAll public long convertCurrency(long amount) { //... } }
The following code snippet demonstrates the use of the @DeclareRoles annotation with the isCallerInRole method. In this example, the @DeclareRoles annotation declares a role that the enterprise bean PayrollBean uses to make the security check by using isCallerInRole("payroll") to verify that the caller is authorized to change salary data:
@DeclareRoles("payroll") @Stateless public class PayrollBean implements Payroll { @Resource SessionContext ctx; public void updateEmployeeInfo(EmplInfo info) { oldInfo = ... read from database; // The salary field can be changed only by callers // who have the security role "payroll" Principal callerPrincipal = ctx.getCallerPrincipal(); if (info.salary != oldInfo.salary && !ctx.isCallerInRole("payroll")) { throw new SecurityException(...); } ... } ... }
The following example code illustrates the use of the @RolesAllowed annotation:
@RolesAllowed("admin") public class SomeClass { public void aMethod () {...} public void bMethod () {...} ... } @Stateless public class MyBean extends SomeClass implements A { @RolesAllowed("HR") public void aMethod () {...} public void cMethod () {...} ... }
In this example, assuming that aMethod, bMethod, and cMethod are methods of business interface A, the method permissions values of methods aMethod and bMethod are @RolesAllowed("HR") and @RolesAllowed("admin"), respectively. The method permissions for method cMethod have not been specified.
To clarify, the annotations are not inherited by the subclass itself. Instead, the annotations apply to methods of the superclass that are inherited by the subclass.
When method permissions are specified, basic user name/password authentication will be invoked by the GlassFish Server.
To use a different type of authentication or to require a secure connection using SSL, specify this information in an application deployment descriptor.