Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q4 Installation Guide for UNIX

Cannot Configure IBM WebSphere as the Portal Server Web Container

WebSphere might not be running, or you might have specified a WebSphere value that does not match the WebSphere native configuration. There are two approaches to troubleshooting this issue.

Check the Configuration

One approach is to check the configuration of your WebSphere instance.

ProcedureTo Check the WebSphere Configuration

  1. Ensure that WebSphere is running.

  2. Examine the values for the following installer fields:

    • WebSphere Virtual Host (PS_IBM_VIRTUAL_HOST in the state file)

    • Application Server Name (PS_IBM_APPSERV_NAME in the state file)

  3. Use the WebSphere tools to check the configuration to make sure it matches the values you are entering.

  4. Try again.

Create New Instances

Another approach is to create new instances of the WebSphere entities.

ProcedureTo Create New Instances of WebSphere Entities

  1. Use the to start the WebSphere console.

  2. Create a new virtual host instance and a new Application Server instance name.

  3. Click the entry under Nodes (typically the host name), and select Regen WebServer Plugin.

    This process saves the new entries into the plugin configuration file, which the installer checks for the legal names.

  4. Return to the installer and enter the values you just created.