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Sun ONE Identity Server Administration Guide


About This Guide

About Identity Server 6.0
What You Are Expected to Know
Sun ONE Identity Server Documentation Set
Documentation Conventions Used in This Guide
Typographic Conventions
Related Information

Part 1 Identity Server Console Guide

Chapter 1 Product Overview

Sun ONE Identity Server
Features of Identity Server
Service Configuration
Policy Management
Federation Management
Single Sign-On
URL Policy Agents
Identity Management
Identity Server Console
Installing Identity Server
The Identity Server Console
Location Pane
Navigation Pane
Data Pane

Chapter 2 Identity Management
The Identity Management Interface
Identity Management View
User Profile View
Managing Identity Server Objects
Properties Function
Create an Organization
Delete an Organization
Add an Organization to a Policy
Create a Managed Group
Delete a Managed Group
Add a Group to a Policy
Create a User
Add a User to Services, Roles and Groups
Delete a User
Add a User to a Policy
Register a Service
Create a Template for a Service
Unregister a Service
Create a Role
Delete a Role
Add Users to a Role
Remove Users from a Role
Add a Role to a Policy
Role Properties View
Customize Service Access
Customize Attribute Access
Create a Container
Delete a Container
People Containers
Create a People Container
Delete a People Container
Group Containers
Create a Group Container
Delete a Group Container

Chapter 3 Service Configuration
Definition of a Service
Identity Server Services Defined
Membership (Self-Registration)
Authentication Configuration
Client Detection
Policy Configuration
Identity Server Security Service
Attribute Types
Dynamic Attributes
User Attributes
Organization Attributes
Global Attributes
Policy Attributes
Service Configuration Interface

Chapter 4 Current Sessions
The Current Sessions Interface
Session Management Pane
Session Information Window
Terminating a Session

Chapter 5 Federation Management
Liberty Alliance and Federated Identity
Federation Management Concepts
The Liberty Alliance Project
Federation Management Process
Managing Authentication Domains and Providers
Authentication Domains
Creating An Authentication Domain
Modifying An Authentication Domain
Deleting An Authentication Domain
Creating Remote Providers
Modifying Remote Providers
Creating Hosted Providers
Modifying Hosted Providers
Deleting Providers

Chapter 6 Policy Management
What is a Policy?
Policy Types
Normal Policy
Referral Policy
Policy Management
Registering Policy Configuration Services
Creating Policies
Modifying Policies
Modify a Normal Policy
Modify a Referral Policy
Creating Policies for Peer and Suborganizations

Chapter 7 Authentication Options
Core Authentication
To Register and Enable the Core Service
Anonymous Authentication
To Register and Enable Anonymous Authentication
Logging In Using Anonymous Authentication
Certificate-based Authentication
To Register and Enable Certificate-based Authentication
Logging In Using Certificate-based Authentication
LDAP Directory Authentication
To Register and Enable LDAP Authentication
Logging In Using LDAP Authentication
Enabling LDAP Authentication Failover
Membership Authentication
To Register and Enable Membership Authentication
Logging In Using Membership Authentication
NT Authentication
To Register and Enable NT Authentication
Logging In Using NT Authentication
RADIUS Server Authentication
To Register and Enable RADIUS Authentication
Logging In Using RADIUS Authentication
SafeWord Authentication
To Register and Enable SafeWord Authentication
Logging In Using SafeWord Authentication
Unix Authentication
To Register and Enable Unix Authentication
Logging In Using Unix Authentication
Authentication Configuration
Authentication Configuration User Interface
Authentication Configuration for Organizations
Authentication Configuration for Roles
Authentication Configuration for Services
Authentication Configuration for Users
Authentication By Authentication Level
Authentication By Module

Part 2 Command Line Reference Guide

Chapter 8 The amadmin Command Line Tool

The amadmin Command Line Executable
The amadmin Syntax
amadmin Options
Creating Policies with amadmin

Chapter 9 The amserver Command Line Tool
The amserver Command Line Executable
amserver Syntax
amserver Commands for Solaris
amserver Commands for Windows 2000
Using amserver for Multi-Server Installer Administration

Chapter 10 The ampassword Command Line Tool
The ampassword Command Line Executable
The ampassword Syntax
ampassword Options
Running ampassword on SSL

Chapter 11 The am2bak Command Line Tool
The am2bak Command Line Executable
The am2bak Syntax
am2bak Options
Backup Procedure

Chapter 12 The bak2am Command Line Tool
The bak2am Command Line Executable
The bak2am Syntax
bak2am Options

Chapter 13 The VerifyArchive Command Line Tool
The VerifyArchive Command Line Executable
VerifyArchive Syntax
VerifyArchive Options

Part 3 Attribute Reference Guide

Chapter 14 Administration Attributes

Global Attributes
Enable Federation Management
Enable User Management
Show People Containers
Display Containers In Menu
Show Group Containers
Managed Group Type
Default Role Permissions (ACIs)
No Permissions
Organization Admin
Organization Help Desk Admin
Organization Policy Admin
Domain Component Tree Enabled
Admin Groups Enabled
Compliance User Deletion Enabled
Dynamic Admin Roles ACIs
Container Help Desk Admin
Organization Help Desk Admin
Container Admin
Organization Policy Admin
People Container Admin
Group Admin
Top-level Admin
Organization Admin
User Profile Service Classes
Organization Attributes
Groups Default People Container
Groups People Container List
User Profile Display Class
Display User's Roles
Display User's Groups
User Group Self Subscription
User Profile Display Options
User Creation Default Roles
View Menu Entries
Maximum Results Returned From Search
Timeout For Search (sec.)
JSP Directory Name
Online Help Documents
Required Services
User Search Key
User Search Return Attribute
User Creation Notification List
User Deletion Notification List
User Modification Notification List
Maximum Entries Per Page

Chapter 15 Anonymous Authentication Attributes
Authentication Level
Valid Anonymous User List
Default Anonymous User Name

Chapter 16 Certificate Authentication Attributes
Match Certificate in LDAP
Attribute In Subject DN To Use To Search LDAP
Match Certificate to CRL
Attribute In Issuer DN To Use To Search CRL
Enable OCSP Validation
LDAP Server and Port
LDAP Start Search DN
LDAP Server Principal User
LDAP Server Principal Password
LDAP Attribute for Profile ID
SSL On For LDAP Access
Field in Cert to Use to Access User Profile
Other Field In Cert To Use To Access User Profile
Authentication Level

Chapter 17 Core Authentication Attributes
Global Attributes
Pluggable Auth Module Classes
Supported Auth Modules for Clients
LDAP Connection Pool Size
LDAP Connection Default Pool Size
Organization Attributes
Organization Authentication Modules
User Profile
Admin Authenticator
User Profile Dynamic Creation Default Roles
Persistent Cookie Mode
Persistent Cookie Max Time (seconds)
People Container For All Users
Alias Search Attribute Name
Default Auth Level
User Naming Attribute
Default Auth Locale
Organization Authentication Configuration
Login Failure Lockout Mode
Login Failure Lockout Count
Login Failure Lockout Interval (minutes)
Email Address to Send Lockout Notification
Warn User After N Failure
Login Failure Lockout Duration (minutes)
Lockout Attribute Name
Lockout Attribute Value
Default Success Login URL
Default Failure Login URL
Authentication PostProcessing Class
User Name Generator Mode
Pluggable User Name Generator Class

Chapter 18 LDAP Authentication Attributes
Primary LDAP Server and Port
Secondary LDAP Server and Port
DN to Start User Search
DN for Root User bind
Password for Root User Bind
Password For Root User Bind (Confirm)
User Naming Attribute
User Entry Search Attributes
User Search Filter
Search Scope
Enable SSL to LDAP Server
Return User DN To Auth
Authentication Level

Chapter 19 Membership Authentication Attributes
Minimum Password Length
Default User Roles
User Status After Registration
Primary LDAP Server and Port
Secondary LDAP Server and Port
DN to Start User Search
DN for Root User bind
Password for Root User Bind
Password for Root User Bind (Confirm)
User Naming Attribute
User Entry Search Attributes
User Search Filter
Search Scope
Enable SSL to LDAP Server
Return User DN To Auth
Authentication Level

Chapter 20 NT Authentication Attributes
NT Authentication Domain
NT Authentication Host
NT Module Authentication Level

Chapter 21 RADIUS Authentication Attributes
RADIUS Server 1
RADIUS Server 2
RADIUS Shared Secret
RADIUS Shared Secret (Confirm)
RADIUS Server's Port
Authentication Level
Timeout (Seconds)

Chapter 22 SafeWord Authentication Attributes
SafeWord Server Specification
SafeWord System Name
SafeWord Server Verification Files Path
SafeWord Logging Level
SafeWord Log Path
SafeWord Module Authentication Level

Chapter 23 Unix Authentication Attributes
Global Attributes
Unix Helper Configuration Port
Unix Helper Authentication Port
Unix Helper Timeout (Minutes)
Unix Helper Threads
Organization Attribute
Unix Module Authentication Level

Chapter 24 Authentication Configuration Attributes
Authentication Configuration
Login Success URL
Login Failure URL
Authentication Post Processing Class
Conflict Resolution Level

Chapter 25 Client Detection Attributes
Client Types
Default Client Type
Client Detection Class
Client Detection Enabled

Chapter 26 Logging Attributes
Max Log Size
Number of History Files
Log Location
Logging Type
Database User Name
Database User Password
Database User Password (Confirm)
Database Driver Name
Configurable Log Fields
Log Verification Time
Log Signature Time
Secure Logging
Maximum Number of Records
Remote Buffer Size
Number Of Files Per Archive

Chapter 27 Naming Attributes
Profile Service URL
Session Service URL
Logging Service URL
Policy Service URL
Auth Service URL
SAML Web Profile/Artifact Service URL
SAML Web Profile/POST Service URL
SAML Assertion Manager Service URL

Chapter 28 Platform Attributes
Server List
Platform Locale
Cookie Domains
Login Service URL
Logout Service URL
Available Locales
Client Char Sets

Chapter 29 Policy Configuration Attributes
Global Attribute
Resource Comparator
Organization Attributes
LDAP Server and Port
LDAP Bind Password
LDAP Bind Password (Confirm)
LDAP Org Search Filter
LDAP Org Search Scope
LDAP Groups Search Filter
LDAP Groups Search Scope
LDAP Users Search Filter
LDAP Users Search Scope
LDAP Roles Search Filter
LDAP Roles Search Scope
LDAP Organization Search Attribute
LDAP Groups Search Attribute
LDAP Users Search Attribute
LDAP Roles Search Attribute
Maximum Results Returned From Search
Timeout For Search (seconds)
LDAP SSL Enabled
LDAP Connection Pool Minimal Size
LDAP Connection Pool Maximum Size
Selected Policy Subjects
Selected Policy Conditions
Selected Policy Referrals
Subjects Result Time To Live

Chapter 30 SAML Attributes
Site ID And Site Issuer Name
Sign Request
Sign Response
Sign Assertion
Artifact Name
Target Specifier
Artifact Timeout (seconds)
Assertion Skew Factor For notBefore Time
Assertion Timeout (seconds)
Trusted Partner Sites
POST To Target URLs

Chapter 31 Session Attributes
Max Session Time (Minutes)
Max Idle Time (Minutes)
Max Caching Time (Minutes)

Chapter 32 User Attributes
User Attributes
User Preferred Language
User Preferred Timezone
Inherited Locale
Admin DN Starting View
Default User Status
User Profile Attributes
First Name
Last Name
Full Name
Password (Confirm)
Email Address
Employee Number
Telephone Number
Home Address
User Status
Account Expiration Date
User Authentication Configuration
User Alias List
Preferred Locale
Success URL
Failure URL
Unique User IDs

Chapter 33 Identity Server Security Service Attributes
Enrollment URL
Inherited Country

Appendix A Configuring Identity Server in SSL Mode Index

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Copyright 2002   Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last Updated December 04, 2002