Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8.2 Troubleshooting Guide

Obtaining a Thread Dump

This section explains how to obtain a thread dump for Application Server 8.2. By default, the server dumps a core file and restarts with the -Xrs java-option flag in the server.xml file.


The following procedure describes how to obtain a server thread dump on UNIX.

ProcedureTo obtain a server thread dump on UNIX

  1. Verify that the server.xml file for the affected server instance does not include the -Xrs java-option flag. Remove the -Xrs java-option flag if it exists.

  2. If the option is changed, restart the server instance.

  3. Use the ps command to determine the java and/or appservDAS processes under which the application server is running.

  4. Run the following command on the application server instance:

    kill -3 pid

    The kill command redirects the thread dump to the server.log file for server the instance.

On Windows

The following procedure describes how to obtain a server thread dump on Windows.

ProcedureTo obtain a server thread dump on Windows

  1. Verify that the server.xml file for your server instance does not include the -Xrs java-option flag. Remove the -Xrs java-option flag if it exists.

  2. If the option was changed, restart your Application Server.

  3. Type ctrl-brk in the Application Server window. The thread dump will be redirected to the server.log file for the instance.