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Sun ONE Directory Server Resource Kit 5.2 Tools Reference 

List of Tables

Table 0-1 Additional Sources of Information
Table 1-1 Directory Access Commands
Table 1-2 Performance Evaluation Tools
Table 1-3 LDAP v3 Tools
Table 1-4 LDIF Deployment Tools
Table 1-5 Maintenance and Debugging Tools
Table 2-1 Additional Operating Systems For The DSRK
Table 2-2 Directories of the DSRK Installation
Table 3-1 Common Options for ldapsearch
Table 3-2 Input and Output Options for ldapsearch
Table 3-3 LDAP Controls Options for ldapsearch
Table 3-4 SSL Options for ldapsearch
Table 3-5 Return Values of ldapsearch
Table 4-1 Common Options for ldapmodify
Table 4-2 Input and Output Options for ldapmodify
Table 4-3 SSL Options for ldapmodify
Table 4-4 Return Values of ldapmodify
Table 5-1 Common Options for ldapdelete
Table 5-2 Input and Output Options for ldapdelete
Table 5-3 SSL Options for ldapdelete
Table 5-4 Return Values of ldapdelete
Table 6-1 Common Options for ldapcompare
Table 6-2 Input and Output Options for ldapcompare
Table 6-3 SSL Options for ldapcompare
Table 6-4 Return Values of ldapcompare
Table 7-1 How ldapcmp Reports Comparision Results
Table 7-2 Common Options for ldapcmp
Table 7-3 Input and Output Options for ldapcmp
Table 7-4 SSL Options for ldapcmp
Table 7-5 Return Values of ldapcmp
Table 8-1 Options for LDAPSubtdel
Table 9-1 Command-line Options for DsmlSearch
Table 9-2 Command-line Options for DsmlModify
Table 10-1 Command-Line Options for idsktune
Table 11-1 General Options for ldclt
Table 11-2 Bind Options for ldclt
Table 11-3 Target Object Options for ldclt
Table 11-4 Operation-Specific Options for ldclt
Table 11-5 Exit Status of ldclt
Table 11-6 -f patternString Parameter Options
Table 11-7 Substitution Keywords for -e -rdn patternString Parameter
Table 12-1 Command-Line Options for rsearch
Table 12-2 DN or UID File Formats
Table 13-1 Command-Line Options for searchrate
Table 14-1 Command-Line Options for modrate
Table 15-1 Command-Line Options for authrate
Table 16-1 Command-Line Options for infadd
Table 18-1 Command-Line Options for
Table 19-1 Command-Line Options for ldifgen
Table 20-1 Options for MakeLDIF
Table 20-2 Supported Tokens in Template Definitions
Table 21-1 Command-Line Options for the ldifxform Tool
Table 21-2 LDIF Text Transformations Using ldifxform
Table 21-3 Character Set Conversions Using ldifxform
Table 21-4 Attribute Name Modifications Using ldifxform
Table 21-5 Ordering of LDAP Entries Using ldifxform
Table 21-6 Extracting Directory Statistics Using ldifxform
Table 22-1 Command-Line Options for mmldif
Table 22-2 one.ldif And two.ldif Input Files
Table 23-1 Global Parameters in the Configuration File
Table 23-2 Connection Parameters in the Configuration File
Table 23-3 Comparison Parameters in the Configuration File
Table 23-4 Action Parameters in the Configuration File
Table 23-5 Unmatched Entry Parameters in the Configuration File
Table 24-1 Command-Line Options for
Table 26-1 Command-Line Options for
Table 27-1 Command-Line Options for the searchplay Tool
Table 29-1 Command-Line Options for dbscan
Table 31-1 Unsupported Utilities in DSRK_base/unsupported/perl
Table 34-1 Search Parameters

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