Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Release Notes

Known Directory Proxy Server Issues in 6.1

This section lists the known issues that are found at the time of Directory Proxy Server 6.1 release. This list is additional to the list of the Known Directory Proxy Server Issues in 6.0.


Directory Proxy Server cannot resume the JDBC data source connection that is restored after the data source connection failure. Directory Proxy Server can resume the connection only after restarting the Directory Proxy Server instance.


In Directory Proxy Server, referral hop limit does not work.


On Windows, the output of dsadm and dpadm commands, and help messages are not localized in Simplified and Traditional Chinese languages.

As a workaround to this problem, set the class path using following command:

set CLASSPATH="C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\ds6\lib\slapwcli.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\ds6\lib\slapy.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\ds6\lib\slapycli.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\ds6\lib\slapycli_l10n.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\dsee6\lib\clip.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\dsee6\lib\jar\common.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\dsee6\lib\jar\common_cfg.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\ds6\lib\slapwcli_l10n.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\dsee6\lib\clip_l10n.jar;
C:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\DSEE\dsee6\lib\jar\common_cfg_l10n.jar;" 
-classpath %CLASSPATH% --help

If you run a search using JDBC data view configured with DB2 database and there are large number of entries to be returned in the search result, an error might occur after returning 1344 entries.

To overcome this limitation, increase the number of large packages by setting the value of the CLI/ODBC configuration keyword CLIPkg to a value up to 30. Even then the search result is limited to maximum of 11712 Entries.

For more information, see DB2 documentation.


Directory Proxy Server cannot write JDBC attributes implying many-to-many (N:N) relationship between tables in the JDBC database.


Directory Proxy Server instances with multi-byte DN and created using DSCC, fail to start on Linux.


When you use Service Management Facility (SMF) in Solaris 10 to enable a server instance, the instance might not start when you reboot your system.

As a workaround, add the following lines which are marked with + to /opt/SUNWdsee/ds6/install/tmpl_smf.manifest.

restart_on="none" type="service"> 
<service_fmri value="svc:/network/initial:default"/> 
+ <dependency name="nameservice" grouping="require_all" \
+ restart_on="none" type="service"> 
+ <service_fmri value="svc:/milestone/name-services"/> 
+ </dependency> 
<exec_method type="method" name="start" 
exec="%%%INSTALL_PATH%%%/bin/dsadm start --exec %{sunds/path}"...

On HP-UX, if you access DSCC with multiple browser sessions set to different locales, DSCC might display some strings in a locale that is different from the locale set in the browser.


Console does not retrieve the backend status of the Directory Proxy Server instance if a machine has multiple host names.


When a join data view is configured using filter-join-rule, addition of the entries to join data view is not possible even after you set the transformation rule on the secondary data view.