Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Delete a Directory Server Instance From the Command Line

Deleting a Directory Server instance completely removes all instance files, including all directory databases managed by the instance. Before you delete an instance, back up your data as described in Chapter 8, Directory Server Backup and Restore, in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.1 Administration Guide.

  1. (Optional) If you have used DSCC to manage the server instance, remove registration for the server.

    $ dsccreg remove-server -h dscchost /local/ds
    Enter DSCC administrator's password:
    /local/ds is an instance of DS
    Enter password of "cn=Directory Manager" for /local/ds:
    This operation will restart /local/ds.
    Do you want to continue ? (y/n) y
    Unregistering /local/ds from DSCC on dscchost.
    Connecting to /local/ds
    Disabling DSCC access to /local/ds
    Restarting /local/ds

    For details, see dsccreg(1M)

  2. Delete the server instance.

    $ dsadm delete /local/ds
    Server stopped
    /local/ds deleted
See Also

After you have removed all server instances on the system, you can proceed to Software Removal.